The technique originated in central Mexico, and it is an original fusion food. Lebanese immigrants brought their vertical rotisserie cooking style to Mexico and combined it with Mexican flavors and chilis to make the al pastor we know and love today.

Pork is the preferred meat for making al pastor, and this recipe uses 4 pounds of pork shoulder that is marinated with a chili and ancho marinade overnight to give the meat tons of flavor. I asked my butcher at the meat counter to slice the pork shoulder for me, since they have the large commercial slicers. They were happy to help and had my sliced pork ready in minutes. If you need to slice the pork at home, freeze your pork for 45 minutes to an hour before slicing.

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Our Traeger Smoked Al Pastor Tacos takes thinly sliced pork shoulder, marinates it in a mix of chile sauce, pineapple, and oregano, and then we smoke it for several hours until it reaches.

Hello, I date a minister and he smokes pot and drinks beer on a daily basis and on Sundays he's in the pulpit, calling people to the altar, teaching Sunday School, members pouring out to him their problems, praying, and singing. One day he actually smoked a joint before he went to a church meeting with his eyes all red and smelling like weed. He buys his pot on the down low and wants me to stop and buy his beer. I am so lost with his behavior. He wants to get married, but I feel uneasy with him at this time.

My immediate reaction is, "You've got to be kidding! He's disqualified himself in multiple areas to be the leader and shepherd of one of God's flocks. He should not be the pastor of any church. I will finish my answer with the same conclusion; however, his behavior and your concerns are stimulating and worth examining.

In my opinion, your pastor has disqualified himself from pastoring on a number of counts. So let's first look at his motives for self-medicating with drugs and alcohol and then look at whether or not he can lead a church. But my daughter did have an interesting point. What was his motivation to drink or smoke pot? She said, "Maybe this is how he handled his anxiety before he preached and does his pastoral work. He needed help. After all, Dad, you had an anxiety disorder and you struggled with depression."

My daughter was right. I had struggled with panic disorder and bipolar depression since I was a teenager. My panic disorder was so severe in my adolescence and young adulthood that I suffered from serious ulcerative colitis and bleeding ulcers, along with a whole host of medical problems. My staff and my prayer partners prayed for relief for years. I fasted, sought the Lord constantly, and still I languished. I was an emotional wreck until my doctor suggested that I try the drug. Within the month my depression began lifting and my anxiety began decreasing. I would never smoke pot or drink a beer to make myself feel better (my personal convictions); but, I have no qualms about following my doctor's orders.

Nevertheless, there is much more to this story. I receive many emails from people suffering extensive, debilitating pain who want to know if it is OK to smoke marijuana to help them find relief from pain and physical suffering.

Of course, by definition his pastoring is dysfunctional. Dysfunctionality will eventually rear its ugly head--especially under times of extreme pressure. God's intention is for all of His children to grow up to maturity in Christ. My opinion is that it is hard to grow to maturity and to lead the congregation to grow maturity when spending most every day on an artificial "high".

Dr. Roger Barrier retired as senior teaching pastor from Casas Church in Tucson, Arizona. In addition to being an author and sought-after conference speaker, Roger has mentored or taught thousands of pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders worldwide. Casas Church, where Roger served throughout his thirty-five-year career, is a megachurch known for a well-integrated, multi-generational ministry. The value of including new generations is deeply ingrained throughout Casas to help the church move strongly right through the twenty-first century and beyond. Dr. Barrier holds degrees from Baylor University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Golden Gate Seminary in Greek, religion, theology, and pastoral care. His popular book, Listening to the Voice of God, published by Bethany House, is in its second printing and is available in Thai and Portuguese. His latest work is, Got Guts? Get Godly! Pray the Prayer God Guarantees to Answer, from Xulon Press. Roger can be found blogging at Preach It, Teach It, the pastoral teaching site founded with his wife, Dr. Julie Barrier.

Pastor Roger Barrier's "Ask Roger" column regularly appears at Preach It, Teach It. Every week at Crosswalk, Dr. Barrier puts nearly 40 years of experience in the pastorate to work answering questions of doctrine or practice for laypeople or giving advice on church leadership issues. Email him your questions at

If you have never had an al pastor taco, then you are truly missing out. They are one of my favorite dinner meals because they combine the best of every flavor profile. You have savory, sweet, sour, and more all in one single bite. They also make for the most epic of meals as they are uniquely cooked on a vertical skewer next to the fire.

The first thing is the al pastor flavor, because like I said above, it is delicious in every way. The second is the tender pork. Pulled pork is one of the staple pieces of barbecue cuisine. It is succulent and savory, and when done right, it can be one of the most tender foods you ever consume.

Pull your marinated meat out of the fridge 30 minutes before cooking to bring it to room temperature. Add the pork to the smoker and smoke until it reaches 165F internal (about 4-5 hours). After 2 hours of smoking, start to spritz the marinated pork every 30 minutes.

Once the pork has reached 165F, pull it off the smoker and wrap in butcher paper or aluminum foil. Place it back onto the smoker and cook until it reaches 203F internal (about 4-6 hours). Once the pork al pastor is done, pull it off and let it rest in an unheated oven for 30-60 minutes.

This sounds great! I would love to make all your smoker recipes unfortunately I do not have a smoker.. until I purchase one do you recommend cooking these another way that will come out similar as a smoker?

Any feedback would be appreciated ?

Scott: Tacos Al Pastor are the charismatic spiritual leader that all other tacos long to follow. They nourish the soul with their sweet, sweet pineapple and succulent strands of smoked pork and they remind us all that we are one people. Good timing on this one, Paula. Al Pastor is the taco we need right now.

The following method is unconventional, but the flavors are legit. Traditional al pastor is flavored with pure ground chiles, and so is ours (courtesy of F&S TACO Seasoning). To achieve a rich slow-cooked flavor, I rely on grill-roasted pork shoulder enriched with bacon. Just before serving, the pork is sliced up and crisped in a skillet.

I chose not to smoke the pork shoulder because I wanted the pure flavor of a charcoal fire. However, if you want to add smoke to the mix, place a disposable aluminum pan filled with 1 inch of warm water under the pork, and add a couple wood chunks to the fire as needed for a steady stream of smoke. 

Salty savory delicious smoked al pastor tacos made with pork butt are one of our very favorite tacos! They are just not very easily replicated at home- so we decided to make our own version of a delicious smoked pork taco al pastor recipe.

Making smoked pork tacos will require a handful of basic ingredients. Since a few might be a bit less familiar, you will find a bit more about them below. Be sure to check the recipe card for the full list and quantities.

While this method of either rotisserie or spit-grilled pork creates the most delicious al pastor taco not all of us have a giant rotisserie sitting in our kitchen so we are putting our own little twist on the classic tacos al pastor recipe to make them at home.

Yes, it is especially for the best-tasting pork al pastor! I recommend marinating the meat overnight. However, if time is a factor you can get away with a few hours, but really the best flavor comes with time. So try your best to plan ahead.

I smoke cigars. Those who know me, or even just follow me on social media, know this. It has long been something I enjoy and has never been something I hid out of view from people who know me. With the development of social media my cigars, like every other aspect of my life has wound up there as well. Some people share photos of what they're eating, writing, reading (or pretending to read), and I often share a photo of the cigar I chose to smoke at a particular moment.

I'm not writing because this is a burden on my heart. Nor am I writing because I think others should smoke. This is simply the answer to many of the questions I get from others. It will allow me to point people here rather than repeating myself at length to my online friends.

This question feels like someone asking me why I watch TV or enjoy combat sports. The honest answer is, I like it. I don't smoke cigars because it's cool. I do not smoke to make a point. It's not to demonstrate my freedom in Christ. It's not about being missional. It's not about identifying with the great C.H. Spurgeon--though I will be talking about him later. I smoke cigars because I find it to be a pleasant experience. The ritual, aroma, and flavors are a delight.

Smoking a cigar slows a person down, gives them time to think, meditate, and enjoy one of God's many earthly gifts. I personally find that it helps me to write. Cigar smoking is also a wonderful shared experience that promotes conversation and friendship. But to keep it simple, I smoke because I like it. Of course, enjoying something doesn't justify its use. So I will attempt to answer the common questions I get about smoking. e24fc04721

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