A young maiden named Egl discovers a grass snake in the sleeve of her blouse after bathing with her two sisters. The exact location of their bathing remains undisclosed. Speaking in a human voice, the grass snake repeatedly agrees to go away only after Egl pledges herself to him in exchange for him leaving her clothes. Shocked, upset, hesitant (how can she, a person, marry a grass snake?), but in a hurry to get rid of the persistent snake-like reptile, Egl agrees to marry, while not fully understanding the potential consequences and the gravity of her situation. Then after three days, thousands of grass snakes march into the yard of her parents' house. They come to claim Egl as their master's bride and their future queen, but are tricked by her relatives each time. A domesticated goose, a sheep and then a cow are given instead of the bride to the legion of the grass snakes, but once they start a journey back home, the cuckoo, who is sitting in the birch tree, warns them about the deceit. Enraged grass snakes return for a final time and threaten everyone with dry year, deluge and famine. Finally, they take the non-fake bride, Egl, to the bottom of the sea lagoon to their king.

Lithuanian scholarship seems to agree with this assessment: the snake is the ruler of waters and represents a chaotic world. Its liaison with a human woman, which produces children, violates the boundaries between the world of land and the world of water[33][34] and, by killing the snake, the natural order (that is, separation between land and water) can be restored.[35] By using the magical incantation to summon the snake bridegroom, Egle builds a bridge between her world and the aquatic one (or an underground, chthonic realm).[36]

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In an Estonian tale translated into Hungarian as A kirlylny bocskora, a king prepares two mantles, one made from louseskin, the other from flea skin. He sets a riddle for any suitors: whoever guesses the right material of both mantles, shall marry the princess. Human suitors test their skills. A snake slithers from beneath the well, goes to the king's court, and guesses the right answer. The princess is given to the snake as wife and goes with the animal to its home. The princess bears the snake man three daughters and goes to visit her family. Back to her castle, the princess's brothers express their distaste about their snake brother-in-law, and question their nieces about their home life. The youngest child reveals how they reach their house: their mother goes to the edge of a lake, sings a song and the snake father appears in a boat. The brothers go to the lake, summon the snake with the song and kill him as soon as he appears. Some time later, the princess takes her daughters and prepares to return home by summoning her snake husband, the boat appears dirtied with her husband's blood. The princess asks which of her daughters spilled the secret song (the youngest), and curses herself to become a birch tree, and her daughters to turn into parts of the tree (foliage, tree bark and membrane).[72]

In an Estonian tale published by folklorist Oskar Loorits with the title Die Schlangenbraut ("The Snake's Bride"), a mother consults with a wise man the fate of her daughters: her two elders shall marry later, but the youngest shall soon meet her intended mate, a snake. Meanwhile, the girls are bathing in the lake. When they leave to get her clothes, the youngest finds a snake on her garments, which promises to return them if she becomes his wife. She agrees to his proposal and the snake comes later to take her to his underground palace. Years into their marriage, the snake takes off the snakeskin to become a man, and they have three daughters. One day, their daughters wish to visit their grandparents. The snake father allows them to go back to land and teaches his wife a song to open a passage back to mainland. Before they enter her parents' house, the girl warns her daughters to keep quiet about their life. The grandfather asks his grandchildren about where they live; the youngest girl tells him about the snake husband and the magical song. The grandfather goes to the lake with a rifle, summons the snake and shoots him. The next day, the girl and her daughters go back to the lake. She summons her husband three times, but he does not respond. Sensing something wrong, she inquires her daughters about it: the youngest confesses. The girl begins to cry and becomes a birch tree, her two elder daughters birch bark and the youngest a trembling leaf.[73]

In a tale from the Lutsi Estonians collected by linguist Oskar Kallas with the name Ussiks niutud mees (German: Der in eine Schlange verwandelte Mann; English: "The Man Enchanted to be a Snake"), a couple prays for a son, and God gives them a snake. When the snake is older, he goes to a neighbour to court his daughters. He marries the elder in church. During the wedding festivities, the snake climbs onto her lap, but the girl shoos him away. On the wedding night, the snake kills her. This happens again with the middle sister. As for the youngest, she treats him with kindness and, on the wedding night, he takes off his snakeskin to become a handsome man. The man moves out of his parents's home with his wife to an island in the middle of the sea. They live together and have three sons. One day, the man's wife wants to visit her brothers, and the man teaches her a magic command to move from the island to the continent, while also warning her not to tell anything of their life to her brothers. She takes her sons to visit her brothers, and the brothers pry the children for anything. The youngest son reveals the secret command to his uncles. The uncles go to the beach, sing the song to summon the snake man and kill him. The man's wife goes to the beach and repeats the song to summon her husband, but he does not appear. She then questions her sons if any of them told anything about the secret song, and the youngest answers that he did. Crying, the girl becomes a birch near the shore, while her children become trees.[74]

German scholar Oskar Dhnhardt [de] collected an untitled Estonian tale: a king has a daughter and three sons. One day, the princess finds a louse in her father's hair, who decides to fatten the bug and use its hide as part of a suitor riddle: whoever guesses the nature of the hide shall marry the princess. A large snake comes to the castle and guesses it right, then takes the princess with him as his bride to his abode in the sea. To the princess's surprise, the snake becomes a man at night, and after a year she gives birth to a son. The girl wishes to go back home to show her father the child, and, despite some reservations, the snake husband allows her to pay him a visit, by teaching a spell to access her watery home. Back to the castle, she spends some time with her brothers, who insist to know how their sister can return to the snake's home. After much insistence, the brothers learn of the secret command and go to the seashore. The two elder brothers try to summon the snake brother-in-law, but he recognizes their voices do not belong to his wife. However, the princess's younger brother mimics her voice and tricks the snake into coming out of the water, only to be beheaded by the princess's brothers. Some time later, the princess and her child come to the seashore and try to call out to the snake husband, to no avail, so the princess turns into a Maserbirke (a type of birch tree) and her son into a duck.[75]

Indian scholar Suniti Kumar Chatterji summarized the Lithuanian tale and stated that it "reminded" him of the Kashmiri story about Princess Himal and Nagrai (Ngaray), the Prince of Snakes.[129][d] Indian scholarship states that the tale exists in the oral repertoire of the region, with multiple renditions appearing in both Persian and Kashmiri in the 18th and 19th centuries. In a variation of the story, Princess Himal is a human and her lover Nagaray is a nga - a snake-like being that lives in a watery realm, and at the end of the tale deities Shiva and Parvati reunite both lovers by resurrecting their ashes in a magical spring.[131]

The Queen of the Night is first mentioned by her bird catcher Papageno, when speaking to the foreigner prince Tamino, who has heard of her as a magnificent and powerful sovereign. Then the Queen's three maid-servants - who saved Tamino earlier from a gigantic snake - appear and show the prince a painting of their abducted princess Pamina. Upon seeing the picture, Tamino instantly falls in love with the beautiful princess and vows to free her.

I love art so much and I love to tell stories... And I am making major plan to work really hard at writing a book, very beautiful with very strong powerful messages, so deep and very symbolic, it will make you laugh it will make you cry, and when you get to the very end it will make you all connect as a family, healing the bond and bringing you closer together than you ever were before. I also created a magical kingdom. With a lot of very beautiful character, they are leaders in their own lands however they struggles to try to keep their home countries together, however with the help from the Ambassador of Long Heart Stone Night Wing and his daughter Star Shine, they will go on one massive journey around the world helping world leaders come closer together to connect and work together to help solve problems in their own countries. And help restore peace around the world and help families come closer together and would leaders to work with each other to solve their countries problems .

The kingdoms in my lands Majestic, Beautiful, yet very powerful. Full of mystic Magic and Wonder..

Meadow Cove.. The lands of the unicorns , only a few Pegasus ponies live among the unicorns, where on the top of the hill near the rockey cliff of the sea stands a tall majestic beautiful stone castle. Where a Majestic And Beautiful Allicorn Queen named LightRay decorated in a beautiful birthmarks Ruled all over the lands of LongHeartStone.. She has twin sister named Gypsy Mist Rose who is jealous of her twin sister Light Ray who has been chosen, by their father King Brave Rock Hoof, to rule all the lands, whom sadly passed away. Out of jealousy of her sister, makes a secret plot to take her out of power , so she can claim the throne and rule the land.. She has a secret crush on Blizzard StormHoof, she is even more jealous of her sister when she finds out he loves Light Ray and can't stand her, this just makes her even more jealous to get her sister out of the way..

MountStoneMore a land covered in clouds that blanket the earth and float low to the ground Ruled by a Unicorn Prince named Storm Cloud Stone. Some of the Pegasus are not happy being ruled by a unicorn, so this can cause a situation to occurs.. Some where so unhappy with their Prince being a unicorn that they moved to Meadow Cove, they rather live under the rule of a Pegasus pony even though the queen had a horn She at least has wings.. The Pegasus Flight Express is a Mail delivery service hat runs all across the lands.. Pegasus ponies sending mail all across the land of Long Heart Stone. The Pegasus pony names Letter Heart Shower with her team of mail winged ponies deliver letters and packages all across the lands..

A graceful waterfall that flows down into a giant really deep lake that flows out to sea... Moon Mist Valley ruled by the Merpony Queen names Sea Mist Swirl.. Her subject the merponies, have magics healing powers, they heal the earth dwellers and the creatures of the lake, a few did wonder out of their safe kingdom out to explore the sea, however sadly never were herd or seen from again..

Bloom Green Fields a beautiful luscious land, scattered with farm fields, close to the end of the land a tall classic old castle made of Stone Ruled by an Earth pony Prince Vine Tree with magic mystic healing powers that helps rejuvenate the land , preserving the nutrient of the soil to keep the vegetation fresh and healthy.. Tree Top Hills is a small lumber village nestled inside this kingdom... And our story starts. this is were Crystal Frost Mother was born...

Cavern Caves is the home of the Bat ponies Ruled by the Bat king unicorn Name Wise Wish he has the magic to help ponies wake up from their dreams, and appear to them in a magic mystic cloud, to give wise advice and guidance.. When Night Wing is let go from his duty in the Wild Lands, and with Star Shine being more pony, dragon like her dragon pony mother, yet still have bat pony blood.. Her father moves to Meadow Cove . To live among the Unicorns and raise his daughter in their new home....this creates an uneasiness to some of the locals who do not like living among the bat ponies...and with Star Shine being so different from everyone else.. Wise Wish has a Major crush on Light Rays twin Sister Gypsy Mist Rose, however she finds his realm creepy, and has no desire to b his queen and live in a cave.

Flame Mountain, Land of the Deadly and Dangerous Dragons Ruled by a Strong Dragon King named Storm Cloud Stone an island with a large volcano into the middle of it surrounded by small islands where dragons claim their territory. Some times battles occur fighting for the best islands to nest and make their homes.. After all Dragons main Food source is Fish. .however they sometimes venture in the wild lands for the rare tasty treat of ponies. Since the odd pony has the misfortune of wandering off from the lands of the ponies into the Wild Lands.. This is the home of Crystal Frost Father Skyler.abandon at a very young age, and being bullied a lot by other dragons he leaves his home land and journey to the Wild Lands

Lands Of Sand a Kingdom in the middle of a desert, Ruled By a Dashing yet Bragging Wealthy Camel Pony Prince Named Sand Stone... His subject are the camel Ponies that roam the lands and live among the sandy desert.. He loves Exotic Strange creatures from different lands and pays handsomely for strange exotic creature, the more rare and exotic the better..

An Alicorn King named Blizzard Storm Hoof where he ruled the kingdom Frost Snap Woods, his Subjects the Ice ponies. obsessed into turning the beautiful kingdom for LongHeartStone to a frozen land of ice and snow. Blizzard Storm Hoof has a major crush on Light Ray and is obsessed to make her his Queen.. He sings too.

She will be mine yes siree

She will be mine you will see,

A beauty like she

A handsome like me

she will take my hand,

we will rule the land

You will see..


What a crazy obsessed stalker... Well You need a crazy in every story.. I guess..

In this frozen world you have the The polar ponies with their Male leader Paw Claw that lives with the ice ponies, and the snow rabbit ponies. With their Female leader Lucky Hoof Fluff .. Who are smaller ponies in size yet they are just as important too..

Islands of Sly. , an island right in the middle of the kingdom, rules by A Dark Unicorn Snake like Queen named, Shimmer Slither she is Jealous of Light Rays many Beautiful Birthmark, and her lack of birthmarks, and send her minions the snakes ponies to cause trouble in the kingdom

We have the Wild Lands bordering the kingdom of LongHrartStone. In this land the creatures live wild and free no one lives here only wild creatures whom have not evolved. This is the place where Crystal Frost Parents go to have her and raise their baby pony dragon hybrid foal together...

Ocean of Waves, a underwater realm teaming win pony dolphins Ruled by a Dolphin Prince names Wave Tide

Deep Sea Turf teaming with shark ponies, Ruled by their king Chomp Crush he is very jealous that the earth dwelling ponies love the Dolphin ponies and try to stir up trouble a lot..

A Deer Wing Pony Guardian Called Bark Hoof that keeps order in the forest called Pine Tree woods teaming with wildlife. Then you have the small wing bee ponies with their Queen Lady Stinger who lives in a giant hive on the largest tree in the Pine Tree Woods.. Lake Camp Cloud is a small filliy and foal Camp site near a lake shaped like a cloud.nestled close to the Wild Lands in the forest of Pine Tree Woods..

.The Fox Pony bandits with their leader named Sly Fly , that are crafty sly creatures who like to steal from the ponies and fusion ponies all across the lands..

Turtle Pony princess named Shell bell that ruled the sandy beaches of Palm Tree Beach Leaf.. Where her subjects come and go ..

The Jungle of Jungle Vine Ruled by a Gorilla pony unicorn King Named Strong Hold ,

The wing Parrot ponies with their Prince Feather Hoof they too live in Jungle Vine. the Parrot Ponies feel they are better that the Gorilla Ponies, because they have beautiful colors and that the birth mark is more colorful than their plain one...

The Plain called the Flat Water Hole. Ruled by an old Zebra King named Stripe Wize, his daughter Lady Sunrise Shine has a major crush with prince Storm Cloud Stone, however her father forbids her marry him

And the Frog ponies that live in the swamp. Called Swamp More Ruled By their their beautiful frog pony princess Lady Lilly bloom

And the tiny flyimg spider ponies, ,Ruled by their king Web Ward whom are feared because they look too creepy.

..........Here is the story about the birthmarks of the ponies...........

And the birth mark idea is great, ponies can be born with a birth mark anywhere on their body., some can even be born without one.. And be made fun of because of them being birthmark less.. Only ponies of royal blood are born with more than one birth mark. When Star Shine come to class with 3 birth marks the ponies are consumed with jealousy, she is so misshapen because of her physical looks , the ponies are really mean to her,, only ponies with more than one birthmark are royalty , she is not of royal blood, seeing her with more than one sparks jealously., so it is because of this as well she struggles to try and fit in.

...........The Traditions and holidays of the ponies.... .....

Fall Time .... The Festival of lights and the harvest of fun. Being a special event for ponies all across the lands, celebrating the truce of the lands, traveling from afar coming together celebrating the season of harvest.

Winter Time.... The holy tradition holidays of the ''The Star of Life.'' Where the ponies celebrate with their close friends and family. Decorate a tree and exchange gifts with close friends and family..

Winter Time ... Winter Chill Fest a wonderful day to celebrate the wonder and beauty of winter

Spring Time... Birth Mark Day of celebration... To kick off the first day of Spring..Where they have dancing, games and Prizes.Contest and fun. Some of the foals and fillies would tease the unlucky few, who are birthmark less.

Summer Time.. Kicking off the first day of Summer with Splash Day. A day of fun in the sun..

........The seasons Night and Day.............

Alicorn Queen Light Ray the Alicorn when the last day of Spring ends she lest off a Golden light that shines all across the land bringing forward the days of Summer..

Earth Pony Prince Vine Tree When the last day of Summer ends he lets off a magic glow of orange light that shines all across the lands bringing forward the days of fall

Alicorn king Bblizzard Storm Hoof when the last day of fall ends he Lets off a magic glow of white light that shine all across the lands bringing forward the days of winter

Unicorn Prince Storm Cloud Stone when the last days of fall ends he lets off a magic glow of blue light that shines all across the lands bringing forward the days of Spring.

The MerPony Queen Sea Mist Swirl controls Night that bring forward the moon..

The Camel Pony Prince Sand Stone controls the Day bringing Forward the Sun..

These 4 are the main characters that control the seasons in LongHeartStone.. They are responsible to keep the balance of the seasons and share this important role..

These 2 Main Characters at the ones responsible to keep the balance of night and day in the kingdoms an all the lands

Everyone will have a unique special role in my world, and no matter how big or small They all have a special uniqueness of importance within the kingdom

Orphanage called Hope Blossom run by a beautiful yet very Humble Unicorn called Gypsy Rain ...for the the fillies and foal's who have no home, or they been abandon . Or they were found parent less.. She has a crush on Prince Vine Trees however she is just to shy to tell him how she feels..


Here is an example of one of my character Flame Heart...

She is a unicorn, she loves to dance, be a tease at times, and loves to hula hoop. she loves ribbons in her mane and flowers in her hair.. She became orphaned when a mysterious diseases, in her town, Rain Drop Falls, kills the older ponies, leaving only the young ones left, to fend for them selves. The guards from , were dispatched to the communities and towns that were most affected by this unexplained illness, to find any Survivors, She was one of the many young foals/fillies found. She was sent to live in an orphanage in Meadow Cove..


A New Villain named . .. A unicorn Dark Cloud... with mystic magcal , Jealous of the ponies with birthmarks, he steals the birthmarks of the ponies and places them his special Scrapbook..

Bubble Blue is a pony... Unicorn with one long birthmark cluster of bubbles on his front right hoof

Swirl Shine.. Is the Son of Sun Swirl and Star Shine.. a very unique yet powerful unicorn mixed with his parents Physiques.. He is born with 6 very unique one of a kind birth marks..

..........Here is the song that starts the story of my magical beautiful unique land......

Our world is shattered,

in pieces it is true,

We do not see eye to eye,

We all stick,

in our own view.

True we are all different,

We do not look the same

Yet we all on, one world

It's time we share the plan..

So listen to me,

why fight when we are one.

So much has happened,

to the land and to the Sun.

We need to unite together,

to protect our families.

Yes it true our lives are different ,

We must stand with what we know.

But there is a better way

If come and follow me

Let's unite together

And set our spirit free.

So let's joint together

In hoof's and in our hand

We must work together

To help protect our lands .

So much has happened,

Lest stand as one

standing tall

To unite together





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