History of PASI

arent Advocates for Spanish Immersion (PASI)


Before the Parent Advocate for Spanish Immersion (PASI) group was created, parent donations of time and money helped with the program. Parents wrote grants, helped teachers write grants, and donated items/money helped set up classrooms. The Sioux Falls School District has always paid for one intern each year. Starting in 2022, the district increased that, to six interns, so that each kindergarten class could have one intern.

PASI began as a non-profit in 2010...

So again, as the program grew, the needs grew, so PASI was formed as a 503(c) organization. It continues today to help raise money for Spanish Interns, Intern medical expenses, Intern incidentals, teacher grants, and books. 

Parent Support and Parent Advocates for Spanish Immersion (PASI)