
PASI 2023 has been made possible by the generous support of the sponsors detailed below.

AspenTech is a global asset management software leader, providing enterprise asset performance management, asset performance monitoring, and asset optimization solutions, making industrial digital transformation possible. They help reduce downtime, making your sustainability future a reality. Their software for sustainability assists with emission control, carbon capture, and sustainability manufacturing. AspenTech's innovative industrial AI, plant digitalization, and digital twin technology support process optimization in pharmaceutical manufacturing and other capital-intensive industries. Predictive analytics for industrial data helps them deliver downtime reduction for the connected enterprise. 

Since its inception in 1905, the Carnegie Mellon Department of Chemical Engineering has been on the leading edge of research and innovation in chemical engineering. Today, this is more true than ever. With research thrusts across fields such as health and medicine, biofuels, air quality and more. The department has a particularly strong history in process systems engineering where they advance the areas of systems modeling, optimization, machine learning, and data science to solve challenging problems in science and engineering. CMU ChemEs are paving the way to a healthier, cleaner, more efficient future for all. 

The Center for Advanced Process Decision-Making (CAPD) is a Carnegie Mellon research center engaged in process systems engineering research. The center promotes and enhances the fundamentals of modeling, optimization, numerical methods, and computing for process synthesis, design, operations, planning and scheduling, process control, and optimization under uncertainty. Key applications include chemical process systems, energy systems and electrical grids, sustainable processes and circular economies, molecular design, manufacturing and product design, and critical infrastructure.

The Southern Foundation for Technological Development (FUNDASUR) was created in 1979 with the statutory purpose of promoting and contributing to educational, scientific and technological activities that contribute to the development of the city of Bahía Blanca and the region. 

In the fulfillment of this purpose, FUNDASUR permanently accompanied  both  the Chemical Engineering Pilot Plant (PLAPIQUI) and the Research and Development Program of the Bahía Blanca Petrochemical Complex (PIDCOP) in its evolution and growth, providing the legal structure and management capacity necessary to carry out extension and transfer activities. This process was based on recognizing that the link with the Productive Sector is as important as Scientific Research and the training of human resources at the highest international level.

Since 1994 FUNDASUR consolidates its role within the framework of the Law on the Promotion and Advancement of Technological Innovation, of which it was a precedent and reference model.  Since then it has developed its activities as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) empowered to interact between the Scientific – Technological System and organizations and companies of the public and private sector

The chemical engineering department at the Universidad Nacional del Sur has a rich history in leading chemical engineering research in Argentina. Regarding research, the department has led intense scientific activity since its origins. From 1973 to date, more than 1,000 articles have been published in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 2,300 papers have been presented at national and international conferences. Another distinctive feature of the department is its constant interest in the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector, participating in technological projects, services and technical assistance to regional, national and international industries.

We are a decentralized national body, with administrative and functional autarky, acting under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and which this year celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Our objective is to promote scientific research, the generation of knowledge and productive innovation in Argentina, to improve its productive profile and the quality of life of the population.

INGAR is a research institute for the transfer of technology across engineering areas, with research focuses and development in process engineering, new technologies and information systems. INGAR currently features a staff of 55 members including researchers, professionals, technicians and fellows (doctoral and postdoctoral). Moreover, they are sponsored under the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and the National Technological University (UTN), according to Agreement 1541 of September 11, 2003. INGAR is one of the institutes that make up the CONICET Santa Fe Scientific and Technological Center (CCT).

An I+D+i Institute in the areas of process and product engineering, dependent on the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) and the National Research Council; Scientific and Technical (CONICET), located in Bahía Blanca. From Argentina to the world, they add value to their developments and service platforms, offering them to sectors such as the petrochemical, food, packaging and wrapping, agro-industrial, biotechnological, health and home care, environmental and sustainability sectors, among others.