
Kevin Murphy is a research scientist at Google in Mountain View, California, where he works on AI, machine learning, computer vision, and natural language understanding. Before joining Google in 2011, he was an associate professor (with tenure) of computer science and statistics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He has published over 80 papers in refereed conferences and journals, as well as an 1100-page textbook called "Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective" (MIT Press, 2012), which was awarded the 2013 DeGroot Prize for best book in the field of Statistical Science. Kevin is also the (co) Editor-in-Chief of JMLR.

Larry Zitnick​ is a Research Manager at Facebook AI Research and an affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Washington. Prior to that he was a researcher at Microsoft Research. He has been one of the key persons in the development of the MS COCO and the VQA challenges, which are among the currently most broadly used benchmarks of the computer vision community.

Kaiming He​ is a Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research and was formerly a Lead Researcher at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). He has received 2 CVPR best paper awards and has developed Deep Residual Networks (ResNets) that won the 1st places in all five major tracks in ImageNet and MS COCO competitions 2015.