PASCAL in Detail

Make PASCAL great again!

CVPR 2017 Workshop Challenge

PASCAL in Detail Workshop Challenge, July 26th 2017 @ Room 323C, Hawaii Convention Center


  1. Image Classification [RELEASED]
  2. Object Detection [RELEASED]
  3. Semantic Segmentation [RELEASED]
  4. Instance Segmentation [RELEASED]
  5. Object Part Segmentation [RELEASED]
  6. Objectness Estimation [RELEASED]
  7. Boundary Detection [RELEASED]
  8. Occlusion Recognition [RELEASED]
  9. Human Keypoint Estimation [RELEASED]
  10. Human Action Recognition

The latest published dataset, trainval_withkeypoints.json, was published on July 26.

Check out the Dataset page for the latest news!


The goal of this workshop-challenge is to measure the progress in image understanding as reflected in a diverse set of visual tasks, capturing both low- and high-level aspects of vision problems. To accomplish this we systematize the evaluation of a large selection of representative visual tasks using carefully collected manual annotations. We thereby aspire to promote research that pushes the performance envelope in all facets of current computer vision research.

We will be having separate benchmarks for each of our competition tracks and winning entries will be invited to present their works.

We also introduce for the first time task triathlons for selected task combinations, as well as a task decathlon, where a single model will need to solve all 10 tasks combined. See the Multi-Task Challenges page for more info.

We also introduce taster challenges, including the Visual Domain Decathlon, where a single model will perform classification on ten different domains - lifting our eyes from flowers to airplanes.

Keynote speakers

Antonio Torralba (Professor at MIT)

Kevin Murphy (Research Scientist at Google)

Larry Zitnick (Research Manager at FAIR)​

Kaiming He​ ​ (Research Scientist at FAIR)

Larry Zitnick
Kaiming He​


(Updated: 07/26)

July 26th

9:00 - 9:30 Introduction and welcome (A. Yuille)

9:30 - 10:30 Single-track challenges and benchmarks

10:30 - 11:00 Invited keynote I (A. Torralba)

11:00 - 12:00 Invited keynote II (K. Murphy)

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:45 Invited keynote III (L. Zitnick)

14:45 - 15:30 Decathlon challenges

15:30 - 16:00 Invited keynote IV (K. He)

Mask R-CNN

Single-Track Challenges

  1. Image Classification
  2. Object Detection
  3. Semantic Segmentation
  4. Instance Segmentation
  5. Object Part Segmentation
  6. Objectness
  7. Boundary Detection
  8. Occlusion Recognition
  9. Human Keypoint Estimation
  10. Human Action Recognition


  1. Saliency Estimation
  2. Line Segment Detection
  3. Symmetry Detection

Multi-Task Challenges

  • Boxes to Points Triathlon:

Object Detection, Instance Segmentation, Keypoint Estimation

  • PASCAL++ Triathlon:

Image Classification, Object Detection, Semantic Segmentation

  • Humans in Detail Triathlon:

Human Parts, Keypoints, Action

  • PASCAL Decathlon:

All 10 tasks

Multi-Domain Challenge

VGG Domain Decathlon:

Image Classification in 10 Domains

Organizers and Technical Staffs

Sanja Fidler
Iasonas Kokkinos
Roozbeh Mottaghi
George Papandreou
Raquel Urtasun
Andrea Vedaldi
Alan L. Yuille

In alphabetical order of last names

Please do not hesitate to contact regarding any issues about this challenge.