Research activities on moist-air Enthalpy, Entropy and Exergy

i.e. the study of Enthalpy, Entropy and Exergy of the atmosphere

Courriel / Email :    pascalmarquet "at"    /     Last Update: 3rd of December, 2023.

My papers available on:  arXiv    /   My papers available on: Research-Gate   /   My old (up-to-April-2022) CNRM-Météo-France page:  CNRM-Page

The aim of this WEB page is to describe the research activities made by the author, concerning the concept of Available Enthalpy (also called Exergy), with a special attention paid to possible applications to the atmospheric science and to meteorology. I also studied more specifically the definition and the properties of the absolute moist-air entropy (based on the Third law of thermodynamics) and the associated absolute moist-air thermal enthalpy.

The topic of research about Exergy started during a two-years Research Internship at the L.M.D. (Laboratory on Dynamical Meteorology) at the Polytechnic school (Palaiseau, France, 1988-90), with a PhD obtained in 1994 (at the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France) and then a HDR passed in 2016 (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, at the Institut National Polytechnique at Toulouse, France).

After my 1988-90 Internship at the LMD directed by Daniel Cadet, my research activities on these subject were conducted in the operational team of Numerical Weather Forecasting (Paris and Toulouse, France, 1990-1995), then in the Climate team at the CNRM (Centre National de Recherche en Météorologie / National Research Center on Meteorology, Toulouse, 1995-2008), then in the Laboratory of Weather Forecasting (Toulouse, 2008-2014), and then back at the CNRM and till the end in the GMAP team (from 2014 to Mach 2022, before my retirement from Météo-France).

My  Papers / Notes / Meeting-Documents  about the  General-Physics:

My  Papers / (WGNE) Notes / Meeting-Documents  about the  moist-air Entropy and Thermal-Enthalpy:

My  Papers / (WGNE) Notes / Meeting-Documents  about the  dry-air and moist-air exergy: 

My  Papers / (WGNE) Notes / Meeting-Documents  about the  Physical Parameterizations for NWP and climate modeling: