Events in 3303

Bacchanalia I 12-18-81

first official Winter Solstice bash—the biggest, most elaborate, and longest-running of all

6os Marathon at Studio 29 4-17-82

first “public” offering; about four hours; drawn by Brian Cutean

30/4 9-03-82

my 30th birthday and 4th anniversary

Home Grown 10-22-82

featured music I recorded in my home studio and live performances

Bacchanalia II 12-21-82

drawn by Vic

Space II 2-11-83

half-sheet folded to form a self-mailer

60s Marathon IV 4-02-83

15 hours

partial playlist

E & E Picnic 7-11-83

my Texas Senate office party at scenic RRR 

Fives 9-05-83


Bacchanalia III 12-22-83

invented a typeface for this announcement

60s Marathon V 3-24-84

collage from previous notices

Midsummer Night Spree 6-23-84

alliteration plus diagram

Beatnik Coffeehouse 9-22-84

live and recorded poetry with gin and strong brew

Myd-Wynter Bacchanalia IV 12-21-84

rhyming beckon

Old New Year Gala 3-23-85

Spring Equinox as noted by ancient civilizations

partial playlist

60s Marathon VI 6- 22-85

longest day hair party during Summer Solstice

Mithra Wreath Feast 12-21-85

invitation folded to form a tree

Come Spring 3-22-86

Boing . . .

Drum Camp-Out 6-22-86

percussive all-nighter at scenic RRR in what would become the Bluff Barn Campground

Broke Blues 9-20-86

no job, no dough with hits from old 45s

Conjunction Function 12-19-86

Mars next to Jupiter

Imbolg 2-02-87

Celtic name for February 2

A Certain Air 3-21-87

Spring as the season of wind, breath, and sky

MayDay PayDay FriDay 5-01-87

a quickie

Solstice Soiree 6-21-87

just before son Sol's emergence

Comedy Come-By 8-07 -87

date trickery loosens larfs

Neighbor Time 10-25-87

inviting near-living folks

SaturnaliYule 12-17-87

recalling Roman times

Imbolg 2-02-88

with a Full Snow Moon

Flower Shower 3-20-88

prune the paper to form a blossom; soundtrack recorded on a 6-hour video cassette

Fire Song Focus 6-17-88

Summer as season of flame and self-mailer

Vic-en-How-Ar’s Hap-py Ou-rs 08-08-88

more humor on eight eight eighty-eight

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