Ongoing/Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities with EPL

Support Girls 4 Ghana - Help make menstrual products and help fight period poverty. 

Contact Cherie Asante, EPL's volunteer coordinator with any questions:

Serve as Greeter at EPL: Contact Cherie Asante, EPL volunteer coordinator, if interested. You would receive training for this volunteer role which is open to adults only. 

Post flyers for EPL events: Help organize, deliver and hang flyers at various locations around Evanston. This volunteer opportunity is open to anyone 14 or older. Contact Cherie Asante at if interested. 

Help with free book distribution:  Help EPL staff organize and distribute books at various free book distribution spots across Evanston.  Contact Cherie Asante at if interested. 

Book Buddies: Open to high school students who would like to read with younger kids. Meets at Crown every Thursday 4:30-5:30 p.m. ETHS students can use this link to sign-up.