A rapporteur is appointed in the responsible parliamentary committee to draft a report on proposals of a legislative or budgetary nature, or other issues. In drafting their report, rapporteurs may consult with relevant experts and stakeholders. They are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs. Reports adopted at committee level are then examined and voted on in plenary. Rule 55

PM Modi does not want the douse the fire in Maipur and this is the truth of Manipur, Rahul Gandhi said on Friday in a media interaction in New Delhi, a day after PM Modi's reply to the no-confidence motion in Parliament which the NDA won. "I heard PM Modi speaking in Parliament. He was cracking jokes, laughing with NDA MPs sloganeering. It does not behove a prime minister," Rahul Gandhi said.

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'The people should be allowed to vote freely. It is impossible to hold the elections now. The argument that three months ago the parliamentary elections were held and so this too must be held is not acceptable. This election is very different and we don't need to hold it right now' he said.

Pottermania even spread all the way to the nation's top job, with Malcolm Turnbull himself dropping a few wizard jokes recently. The PM recently appeared on The House, the latest ABC TV show exploring behind the scenes of Parliament House. During his chat with host Annabel Crabb, where the conversation turned to the portraits created of former Prime Ministers once they leave office, Turnbull reached into the Harry Potter lexicon for a gag.

"Perhaps you could have holograms of all the former Prime Ministers following people around the parliament. You could have a Marauder's Map so you could work out where particular holograms were, so if you didn't like a particular former Prime Minister, you could avoid them and go left rather than right down that corridor."

A Finnish government minister who joked about 'Heil Hitler' and was the featured speaker at an event organised and attended by neo-Nazi groups has survived a vote of confidence in parliament on Wednesday morning by a margin of 95-86.

Researcher Oula Silvennoinen, an Associate Professor at the University of Helsinki who has studied the far-right and is a lightning rod for their criticism, uncovered social media posts from Junnila to his parliamentary assistant which included a picture of a snowman built to look like a Ku Klux Klan member holding a noose, with the comment "I made a snowman according to your instructions."

Background: The Romanian service of Radio Liberty reported that the parliament had published a communiqu cancelling a joint meeting of the Chamber of MPs and the Senate due to the speech by the President of Ukraine, and that the speech was probably cancelled because of "MPs with pro-Russian sympathies".

Some jokes about Scotland are from non-Scottish comedians. And thanks to our great Scottish humour, we can laugh at ourselves. Here, English comedian Michael McIntyre summarises how the Scottish kilt was created:

Where better to hear the best Edinburgh jokes than at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival? Every August, for three weeks, the city is alive with comedians, musicians and performers. The annual event has been a platform for many successful careers of comedians and actors. Billy Connolly appeared at the festival in 1972, and Rowan Atkinson, Steve Coogan and Russell Brand all performed on Fringe stages.

Now in its seventh year, the jokes are the winners of an annual festive competition run by TV channel Gold, which challenges the British public to come up with the best topical and modern Christmas cracker jokes, then voted for by the British public.

For the seventh year running, Gold, challenged the British public to tweet original festive gags for the competition. Entries were shortlisted by a panel of judges - led by comedy critic Bruce Dessau - and put to an anonymous public vote of 2,000 British adults to reveal the winning jokes. The top six jokes are included within bespoke boxes of Gold's Christmas crackers*, which were presented to this year's winners.

Amongst the political turmoil that seems to have swamped our country this year, we can always rely on British humour to pull us through. With subjects ranging from Brexit and Love Island, to Greta Thunberg and Coleen Rooney, there are jokes here to tickle even the biggest of scrooges.

One area ripe for improvement may be the comedy chops of Canadian politicians. In the UK, news outlets often carve out the funniest bits of parliamentary debate, and casual observers make their own mashups of the best japes and jabs during QP, often focusing on colourful speaker John Bercow.

Andrew MacDougall, former communications director for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who now works in the UK, says the relative lack of comedy in our parliament is symptomatic of bigger problems with our democracy.

"I think Britain is a funnier place than Canada, and I think that's a function of having more history here, more tradition of both comedy, the arts, entertainment, literature, you name it. A parliament that's been more independent, and independent-minded than you see in Canada. I think parliament's been beaten down laterally in Canada for reasons of control, and I think that control from the centre has bred a lot of individuality out of our politicians. And that extends to debate, trying to stage manage debate in parliament to make it more serious and focused on the political objective."

Smith thinks MPs may be hesitant to crack wise because the news media take jokes far too seriously. He says "the instinct for message control has become so dominant in Canada. Everyone's afraid of what the headline's going to be. It wouldn't be the first time that an MP or minister said something a little off the cuff and a little off-colour and the press gallery ran to the foyer, pearls clutched in hand, to demand if he actually meant that."

Christelle Par is a Canadian comedy researcher, affiliated with the Centre for Comedy Studies Research at Brunel University in London. To Par, there's a particularly British form of humour often used in the parliamentary debates: self-deprecation. She says self-deprecation "puts you in a less aggressive position. In an uneasy position. You put yourself as less of a threat, then you charge your weapon and you shoot. Winston Churchill was excellent at it. it will make you less of a serious politician who's in his ivory tower. By making fun of yourself voters will be more inclined to listen to you."

While self-deprecation is a standard feature of the UK's parliament, one recent use in Canada didn't please everyone. Former Immigration Minister John McCallum, responding to a question about funding for refugees in which Conservative MP Michelle Rempel accused him of seeking photo-ops, said "Mr. Speaker, if the government wanted to send somebody somewhere for a photo-op, I suspect there are people in this aisle they'd probably send before they send me."

To MacDougall, the the lack of freedom to be funny does more than harm the entertainment value of our parliamentary proceedings. That, paradoxically, not being able to joke around, stops MPs from taking the House of Commons seriously.

"You'll see this frustration of being automatons. Banked on for their votes, but not looked to for their thoughts and independence. It diminishes the role of the MP, I think it makes it less interesting to be a parliamentarian. And I think maybe that's where you see this lack of creativity or originality when it comes to parliamentary debate. It's a chore or a task to be done, not the primary reason they're there."

In the August 30 letter from the joint chairs, the minister was advised of the committee's view that this order contravenes two of the committee's scrutiny criteria: criterion no. 12 in that it amounts to the exercise of a substantive legislative power properly the subject of direct parliamentary enactment; and no. 11 in that it makes an unusual and unexpected use of the exemption power conferred by the act. It was therefore suggested that if section 32 of the act is no longer considered appropriate, Parliament should be asked to repeal it.

When the committee considered this file on November 18, 2010, it noted that the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency had repeatedly changed its opinion on the best way to remedy the situation. The last solution put forward by the agency was to take advantage of the parliamentary review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act to improve the current cost-recovery system.

In the letter received on February 17, 2011, the agency indicated that the best solution would be for Parliament to clearly confer upon the agency the power to recover the actual costs. The agency noted, however, that the parliamentary review it had been relying on had yet to begin. The agency stated that it was continuing to look for other solutions and concluded its letter by saying that it would present the concerns regarding the current service charges order to the new Minister of Environment.

Section 13 was enacted in 1977. It was repealed in 2012 by a 153 to 136 vote in the Canadian parliament after the Conservative Party of Canada decided to support its repeal. Section 13 was repealed for precisely the reasons that section 18C in Australia should be repealed. It was an illegitimate restriction on freedom of speech and ultimately, on freedom of thought.

The new bill has been presented by the states of Bavaria and Lower Saxony and will be debated in parliament next year. It refers to games which feature "cruel violence", including first-person shooters such as Call of Duty 3. According to the Financial Times, the bill could see developers and retailers penalised with prison sentences of up to 12 months.

'Yesterday, Prime Minister Ji spoke for about 2 hours 13 minutes in Parl. In the end, he spoke on Manipur for 2 minutes. Manipur has been burning for months, people are being killed......If you may have noticed, PM was laughing, cracking jokes. It doesn't suit him': Rahul Gandhi 2351a5e196

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