Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers are a huge part of the PVES community. Whether on-campus or off-campus, our school appreciates all the help our volunteers have to offer. Level 1 clearance is required for on-campus activities where school staff are present. Level 2 clearance is required for volunteers who are coaching a club/team or will be chaperoning field trips.
For first-time volunteers, the process may take several weeks. It is highly suggested that first-time volunteers turn in the required paperwork to the school's front office when the school year begins. You must complete your Level 1 or Level 2 clearance every year.
Steps to be a Level I volunteer requires completion of the following:
Complete the following forms
Level I Application (Megan’s Law)
Proof of identification/driver’s license [proof of identification/driver’s license to be shown at school site]
Applicants will turn in completed forms plus proof of a TB clearance to the school site where they plan to volunteer. TB Testing requirements can be found in the section below titled “TB Testing”. TB tests must be kept current to continue volunteering.
The school site will then notify you once your application is approved.
Steps to be a Level II volunteer:
Complete the following forms
Level I Application (Megan’s Law)
Proof of identification/driver’s license [proof of identification/driver’s license to be shown at school site]
Applicant will turn in completed forms plus proof of a TB clearance to the school site where they plan to volunteer. TB Testing requirements can be found in the section below titled “TB Testing”. TB tests must be kept current to continue volunteering.
Request a Level 2 Approval form from the school site. The form must be signed by the school site and then brought to the District Office on:
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Please be prepared to show a picture ID when you pick up the form.
This form will be exchanged for an application and Livescan Fingerprinting Form. Please be prepared to show picture ID when you pick up the form.
Livescan runs fingerprints through databases of the CA DOJ (CA Department of Justice) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations). There is a $20 cost for the applicant. This is a mandatory requirement for Level II volunteers.
The school site will notify applicant once they are approved.