Volunteer opportunities

why get involved?

The Parkview Parent Teacher Organization is ran and staffed by teams of volunteers like us. In order to keep providing fun, quality activities, educational resources and many other fun bonuses for our students we need more family and community members to get involved. 

Volunteering comes in many shapes and sizes. We appreciate whatever time or resources you are able to give and understand that this looks different for everyone!

Check out our sign ups below to see if there are any opportunities that fit your availability!

October 7 - Par-Tee at the Playground - We are now asking for volunteers for this upcoming event. Thank you in advance for your help!

Please click "join" at the bottom of this page to be added to our volunteer email list or if you'd like to join our committee. 

THANK YOU to our past volunteers!

We wanted to take a moment to appreciate all of the time and resources that our volunteers have given to us. This committee could not run without you and your generosity. We hope that volunteering for the Family Engagement Committee was a fun and positive experience for you because we would love to see you return! Thank you again.