
The Family Engagement Committee is a sub-committee of the  PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) started as a platform to connect families throughout the year at simple meetup events. 

What we've done

To close out the 2023-2024 school year, we held a free-to-all chalk and bubbles party for our Parkview families. We had over 150 guests in attendance that all had a blast saying goodbye for the summer and meeting friends for next year. We will continue to hold this event each year to close out our school year. 

We look forward to providing more fun, free events like these in the coming years. Check out our events page to see what other fun stuff we have planned!


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Cedarburg Community Connection (CCC)

Cedarburg Public Library

Cedarburg Friends of Parks & Rec

Parkview Parents

Parkview Elementary PTO

City of Cedarburg Engineering & Public Works

Parkview Elementary School

Cedarburg Chamber of Commerce