
Meet Volunteer Role Descriptions

Clerk (Home/Away)

Receive time cards from runner and enter times and placements on meet sheets. Keep running score. 

Concessions (Home)

Assist the Head of Awards with labeling and organizing ribbons. This role might require volunteer to stay after the meet.

Clean Up Crew (Home)

Meet with Head of Clean Up 10 min before conclusion of meet for instructions. Some tasks include: taking down tents, picking up cones, signs, moving ready benches, picking up garbage and helping to load the shed. 

Floater (Home/Away)

This is a "Jack of all Trades" role that will fill in at positions as needed during the meet. i.e., handing out water and any other needs during the meet.

Runners (Home)

Runners help get information from Stroke & Turn Judges and timers to the clerks.

Set Up (Home)

Meet Head of Set Up (first to arrive) at beach shed. Help unload necessary items from shed, carry to dock and continue to set up. Head of Set Up will give you instruction.

Stroke and Turn Judge (Home/Away)

Watch swimmer's strokes and turns for compliance to CCSL Regulations. Requires certification, good for two years. 

Timer (Home/Away)

Use a stopwatch to time each swimmer’s event. Verify name of swimmer with the name on the card where time will be recorded. Write disqualification on card when instructed by stroke and turn judge. Relief timer will be on deck and roaming during the entire meet to provide breaks as needed to timers and run back-up watches.