Week 9

This week we were able to send the AT commands to the HC-05 Bluetooth modules which allowed us to configure their address as well as turn one into receiver mode. We also investigated how to properly control the TLC59711 module by reading through the provided Datasheets and tutorials from Adafruit. After several days of trying to adapt examples to work with our STM32 board, we moved over to an Arduino UNO for the following reason:

The TLC59711 datasheet instructed us to send a 224-bit packet followed by a 8-period pause from the clock. We were able to send the 224-bit packet; however, we were unable to figure out how to pause the clock. We went to office hours and we asked for help, but unfortunately we were not able to receive a response in time. As suggested by a TA, the next best thing would be to use the Arduino Uno library to control the TLC59711 module.