Parker / Hawkins First Grade

Welcome to first grade and our class Google Site. We are so excited to have you in our virtual class for now! We understand that this is not your typical way to start school, but please understand that we are here for you and will help you get through this learning curve. Information will be available on this site for our students. As the days and weeks go by new information will be added. Our contact information is below.

J. Parker


phone: 910-280-5259 call or text (c)

910-462-2111 (w)


phone: 910-391-8225 call or text (c)

If you have not already, please sign up in ClassDojo as soon as possible. Your child's code is located on their Student Login Form that was in the front of their packet.

Ms. J. Parker

This will be my second year as a first grade teacher. I taught second grade for 4 years before moving to first grade. I was an assistant for 11 years before I became a teacher. When I am not at school then I am spending time at home with my significant other Yancy and our daughter Stella. Stella is severely autistic and is nonverbal. Although she can not speak she is actually smarter than people think she is. My favorite place to visit is the beach! The beach will one day be my home. I look forward to getting to know you and your family this year!

Mrs. K. Hawkins

This will be my second year as a first grade teacher assistant. Prior to first grade I was an assistant in the second grade. When I'm not at school I enjoy spending time with my husband, Travis and our three children, TJ, Abbie and Sarah. Most of our time is spent working on our family farm where we care for horses, chickens, goats and a donkey. I enjoy camping, hiking, and kayaking. I am looking forward to meeting you all and your families.