
Selected Projects

Robust Recovery of Subspaces of unknown codimension

Robust subspace recovery (RSR) is a fundamental problem in robust representation learning. Here we focus on a recently proposed RSR method termed Dual Principal Component Pursuit (DPCP) approach, which aims to recover a basis of the orthogonal complement of the subspace and is amenable to handling subspaces of high relative dimension. Prior work has shown that DPCP can provably recover the correct subspace in the presence of outliers, as long as the true dimension of the subspace is known. We show that DPCP can provably solve RSR problems in the unknown subspace dimension regime, as long as orthogonality constraints adopted in previous DPCP formulations- are relaxed and random initialization is used instead of spectral one. Namely, we propose a very simple algorithm based on running multiple instances of a projected sub-gradient descent method (PSGM), with each problem instance seeking to find one vector in the null space of the subspace. We theoretically prove that under mild conditions this approach will succeed with high probability. In particular, we show that 1) all of the problem instances will converge to a vector in the nullspace of the subspace and 2) the ensemble of problem instance solutions will be sufficiently diverse to fully span the nullspace of the subspace thus also revealing its true unknown codimension.We provide empirical results that corroborate our theoretical results and showcase the remarkable implicit rank regularization behavior of PSGM algorithm that allows us to perform RSR without being aware of the subspace dimension.


Low-rank matrix factorization via a novel variational form of the Schatten-p quasi-norm

In this work we aim to reduce the high computational cost induced by Schatten-p quasi-norm minimization, variational forms, which are defined over smaller-size matrix factors whose product equals the original matrix, have been proposed. Here, we propose and analyze a novel variational form of Schatten-p quasi-norm which, for the first time in the literature, is defined for any continuous value of p ∈ (0, 1] and decouples along the columns of the factorized matrices. The proposed form can be considered as the natural generalization of the well-known variational form of the nuclear norm to the nonconvex case i.e., for p ∈ (0, 1). Notably, low-rankness is now imposed via a group-sparsity promoting regularizer. The resulting formulation gives way to SVD-free algorithms thus offering lower computational complexity than the one that is induced by the original definition of the Schatten-p quasi-norm. A local optimality analysis is provided which shows that we can arrive at a local minimum of the original Schatten-p quasi-norm problem by reaching a local minimum of the matrix factorization based surrogate problem. In addition, for the case of the squared Frobenius loss with linear operators obeying the restricted isometry property (RIP), a rank-one update scheme is proposed, which offers a way to escape poor local minima

[paper, supplementary material, code]

Block-Term Tensor Decomposition: Model Selection and Computation

The so-called block-term decomposition (BTD) tensor model has been recently receiving increasing attention due to its enhanced ability of representing systems and signals that are composed of blocks of rank higher than one, a scenario encountered in numerous and diverse applications. Its uniqueness and approximation have thus been thoroughly studied. Nevertheless, the challenging problem of estimating the BTD model structure, namely the number of block terms and their individual ranks, has only recently started to attract significant attention. In this papers, we propose novel methods for BTD model selection and computation. The main idea is leverage column sparsity jointly on the factors and in a hierarchical manner and estimating the ranks as the numbers of factor columns of non-negligible magnitude. The problem has been addressed via a block successive upper bound minimization (BSUM) approach and a fully automated Bayesian approach which alleviates the need for hyperparameter tuning.

[paper 1, paper 2, code]