Our aim is to help build a strong school community through fundraising and parental involvement. We run a range of events for our families, such as the Welcome Picnic, Outdoor Movie Night, School Disco, and gift stalls for Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day.

We offer opportunities for parents to be involved on the Committee, to help with planning events, and to contribute throughout the year at our events. We want our WHPS families to belong as soon as your child starts at the School, and there are lots of terrific opportunities to get to know other families.

Parents can become a member by filling out our online form through compass, and you can volunteer for any of the fundraising events throughout the year.

We encourage all families to be involved, as this makes for a fun and inclusive experience for all of us! You can contact us via e-mail at parents.association.whps@gmail.com, or via the Office.


  • PA Committee Meeting at School Staff Room on Wednesday 7 August 2019 at 7.00pm - new faces so very welcome!