Have you been invited to ride the (emotional) roller coaster with your TEEN?

If you are like many of us you have..... remember you have a choice to 

⬅  Ride the emotional Roller Coaster with them 


Hold steady w/ self-regulation even though we might wobble a bit

One of the first steps to regulated parenting is:


When we decide to take the roller coaster  ride with our adolescence, we are not giving them a stable grounding anchor to match & calm down.  

You can be that anchor for your teens!  When we are more calm, more compassionate with our expectations and more regulated, the more our teens can match that energy and start regulate for themselves.

If you would like more information about how to "get off the roller coaster" with your teen, sign up for our Parenting styles , or Stress management classes. See images below

For more information on  the class or how to register click here 

This is the Wheel of Emotion from Berne Brown, 

source , google Berne Brown emotional wheel  See details below

When we parent with a regulated system, we can communicate more clearly and we give space for our youth to become more regulated and the opportunity to cultivate good relationships with them.

Meaning if we are more calm and in touch with our emotions the more our teens have permission to step into the same calmness and communication and problem solving is more constructive. 

Sourced from:  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/18718154684249846/

Wondering what school refusal add's up to?  Check out these figures.

Community Resources below

Information on Grand Family 

Grand Family Coalition

P.O. Box 1432

Loveland, CO 80539


Many Resources and information on the www.grandfamilies.org  website

You can access their old Newsletters at this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mkGs8q1pAff9kvGn02dHWmkPgJpeaACPxSCvuqCMeVQ/edit?usp=sharing

This is a link to the current Peer Support groups: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vb5vCnBW1sKNnyrOrONBMUINqUB639rc/view?usp=sharing