Parenting Resources
A collection of resources for parents
Recommended by the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry staff at Trinity Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.The Office of Children's Mental Health (OCMH) supports Wisconsin's children in achieving their optimal mental health and well-being.
Feelings Thermometers Help children of all ages, and their families, begin to identify their feelings and learn ways to shift their mood when things get tough or behaviors are challenging.
Accessing Children's Mental Health Services Guide
What To Do While You Wait for Children's Mental Health Services
Take a Pause Mental Health America recommends this 4 step process to deal with uncomfortable or unpleasant emotions
Parenting Videos and Resources - a series of videos and resources to support parents and caregivers
Support for Families - more helpful links!
Your source for research-based information about parenting and relationships for families and the professionals who serve them.
Doing Good Together™ (DGT) is a Minnesota-based national nonprofit that works to make volunteering and service, along with daily kindness, easy for every family.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Let's Talk About Mental Illness video for elementary age kids
From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Healthy Mental & Emotional Development: 4 Key Building Blocks
Feelings Wheel The more specific your child can be in labeling their emotions, the more understanding you will have for them and they will have for themselves.
6 Ways to Parent a Child with a Mental Health Challenge
Downloadable Devotionals for Kids Downloadable resources for kids about resilience, kindness, generosity, etc.
Free App Raising kids with faith and character just got easier
Helping Children Grow Smarter, Stronger, and Kinder.
Emotional Well-Being - resources, activities, and videos to help children form the bonds and social connections that nurture their well-being
Social Emotional Skills - calming strategies, friendships, tantrums
Family Bonding - everyone benefits from spending quality time with family
Talking with Children About.... (politics, losing a pet, cancer, difficult things)
Digital Wellness & Fred Rogers' Six Fundamentals of Learning and Growing
Conversation Starter Deck Prompt conversations between children and caregivers with questions on topics such as kindness and movement.
Learn and Grow Help kids thrive at every stage with tips and activities for ages 2 to 8. Choose a topic and your child’s age to get started.
Raising Kids Who Thrive Stores and advice on raising kind, caring and resilient children
Find Ways to Play Explore fun and educational activities for the whole family on the topics of emotions and self-awareness