And if you enjoy listening to podcasts, our Optimal Relationships Daily show has parenting-specific episodes towards the end of each week. Topics include motherhood, fatherhood, and health and wellness tips like how to encourage your kids to eat healthily.

Crystal Karges is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and mom of five. Her specialty is in intuitive eating for mothers and families. Food is a big part of life and should be there to make you and your family feel nourished and joyful. Her free resources include healthy habits and how to get your mojo back once the baby has arrived.

Parenting Ebook Free Download


Here are some great resources from the National Center for Fathering (NCF). The NCF strives to improve the lives of children and equip fathers to be actively engaged in the life of their child. You can also check out their tools for the journey section which has shorter handouts and infographics for a quick reference guide.

The Huggies website for the Australia / New Zealand region has several free eBooks on planning for baby care and stepping into the role of being a new parent. There are fun eBooks on baby horoscopes and popular baby names too.

First Steps Nutrition Trust is an independent public health nutrition charity based in the UK. It seeks to provide resources on eating well from pre-conception to five years. Their resources page has educational content for pre-conception nutrition, which is linked to optimum development and the early years of life. Tips are included in a separate section for kids from 1-4 years old in terms of how to encourage them to establish good eating habits like enjoying minimally processed food.

This short, 2-page handout summarizes what you can do to boost your child's self-perception. Self-esteem is vital to helping kids to take positive risks and be better able to cope with life's challenges. Learn how you as a parent can make a positive difference through viewing your child as a unique person, showing unconditional love, and keeping your expectations realistic.

Therapist Aid is a wonderful resource website that shares free essential tools for mental health professionals, through therapy worksheets, activities, and more. You'll find worksheets like a family mindfulness schedule, gratitude jar activity, and chore challenge sheet to encourage positive family behaviors.

These resources were designed to help you be an effective and wise modern parent. You'll learn how to have meaningful conversations with your tween or teen and how to work with your child's personality to nurture self-motivation in them. Also, do check out the worksheets or contracts you can download to negotiate social media usage and communicate boundaries with your kids!

This workbook acts as a guide to basic brain development and its effect on child and adolescent behavior. Learn about bonding in early childhood development, responsive care, anger management, and more to build a healthy and safe home environment for your family.

The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program developed by Dr. Karol L. Kumpfer in 1982. The SFP has been replicated by multiple agencies for the past three decades with positive results. The SFP family relationship skills are useful for all families, not just those deemed as high-risk.

Check out all of the PDFs in the program through the link above. This one on relationships is about creating stable families through creating enduring relationships, financial planning, and dealing with toxic behavior.

This 2010 eBook from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Communications and Outreach shares quick strategies on what you can keep in mind to build the bridge to a successful parent-child relationship. Learn about how praise and patience go a long way, and how being there for your child is crucial in terms of giving them what they need to thrive.

Author and behavior management expert Tammy Sassoon M.S.Ed. shows you how to calmly solve difficult child behavior issues. What do you do if your child doesn't listen to you? Tammy shares perspectives to help you see things from your child's point of view, and examples on how to apply parenting strategies on the daily.

Subscribe to the Freedom Finance Journal to get a free 4-day course on raising money-smart kids. The sooner your kids learn about personal finance, the better, as you'll be setting them up to have a strong foundation in how to budget, earn, and invest when they are adults.

If you're new to Optimal Relationships Daily, that's where we narrate some of the web's best content on a wide range of relationships. It's free, you can listen at a time that's most convenient for you, and you can improve your knowledge and approach to relationships in as little as ten minutes per day.

Enter your email to get a sample of our journaling worksheet PDF with quotes and templates based on Optimal Living Daily episodes. You'll also get a weekly email with inspiration and tips to optimize your life!

In my new ebook I share perspectives, insights and tips that have not only kept me grounded and balanced in managing my family and professional responsibilities, but have allowed me to find deep joy and fulfillment on a daily basis.

Author Karen DeBoer is the mother of four, an early childhood educator, and a curriculum editor who's been involved in children's ministry for more than 25 years. Her practical approach to Christian parenting, combined with the insights of a panel of experts like Elizabeth Caldwell and Karen-Marie Yust, make this book a valuable resource. It is also a great resource for adult classes.

This book is changing the lives of parents and their precious children by providing tangible tools and activities that parents can use with their children to talk about health in a positive and uplifting way.

17 chapters and 159 pages of ideas, concepts, games, suggestions, the latest medical information, intuitive problem solving and uplifting parenting information that help address health and life in a positive and re-affirming manner for children, including how I inspire my own children to reach for health, even during illness... filling them with the confidence that health is their natural state of being.

In it, I share my 17 most important parenting principles, including how I inspire my own children to reach for health, even during illness... filling them with the confidence that health is their natural state of being." 


Add to that the medical knowledge I have as a physician who loves working with children and roll it all into an inspirational and fun eBook that is chock full of ideas, fun and inspiration for your parenting journey.

We all live and, therefore, parent from a set of values. Those values can be accidental inspirational, or intentional. Values-based parenting is designed to help you operate out of a set of clearly defined values that will help you parent on mission and with purpose.

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Parents going through separation or divorce are understandably worried about how the change in the family will affect their children. Child custody mediator Dr. Jann Blackstone and pediatrician Dr. David Hill help parents shepherd their children through divorce with expertise built from decades of professional practice and sensitivity developed from their own experiences as parents who are themselves divorced and actively co-parenting with exes. Their guide walks parents through all the factors they should consider and offers step-by-step guidance on how to work together to put their children first.

David Hill, MD, FAAP is a hospitalist pediatrician at Goldsboro Pediatrics, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University Of North Carolina School Of Medicine, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council Management Committee, and Associate Editor of Pediatric Care Online Patient Education for the AAP. He writes and lectures nationally and internationally on pediatric topics including media use, fatherhood, and family separation.

The easy-to-use format provides encouragement to turn to God in the midst of family difficulty. While God does not promise happiness and ease in parenting, all can find comfort in God and peace beyond understanding through the Scriptures and meditations found in Parenting First Aid.

Marty Machowski is a Family Life Pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, where he has served on the pastoral staff for over thirty years. He is the author of The Gospel Story Bible, Long Story Short, Old Story New, the Gospel Story Curriculum, the Prepare Him Room advent devotional and curriculum, Wise Up family devotional and curriculum, Listen Up family devotional and curriculum, Dragon Seed, and The Ology. He and his wife, Lois, have six children and two grandchildren, and they reside in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

"Marty Machowski's Bible-saturated, gospel-shaped writing has been a blessing to my family. As a pastor, his devotionals are my go-to resource for family worship. Marty has the heart of a shepherd, the wisdom of a sage, and provides hope-filled refreshment to any parent who is weary or discouraged. Parenting First Aid is a wonderful book that has my highest endorsement, and I encourage you to pick up a copy today."

Josh Mulvihill, Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at Renewanation; founder of

"Many Christian parents have a rich knowledge of God's Word, but they don't always understand how to apply that knowledge to the parenting trials God sends their way and can find themselves in a desert of parenting worries. In Parenting First Aid, Machowski brings the refreshment of Scripture to that desert. I found myself in tears as the rivers of the Word flowed into some parched corners of my life."

Chap Bettis, Executive Director of The Apollos Project; author of The Disciple-Making Parent 152ee80cbc

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