Parent Box

With parent box gifting a child can be more interesting, engaging, informative and will be fun for both parents and children. Further, it makes children wait for the gift, delaying instant gratification and encouraging patience.

Earlier children used to wait for a gift and these gifts they waited for made them more valuable and each gifting experience was a memory. Now children are bought gifts almost instantly which never gives the such an experience. Moreover, this also promotes instant gratification.

Now with parent box, you can make a child wait for a gift and earn it by achieving simple targets. The parent after buying the gift will use parent box to take a snap of the picture and lock it inside the app. Then the gift is hidden somewhere and the clues to find the gift are also entered into the app. Now if the child has to get the gift, he has to unlock the gift and the clues by reading contents inside the app and answering questions related to the contents.

The contents are mostly stories of famous people who struggled in their childhood to find success in later life. These stories they will try to convey the message of the importance of hard work, dedication and sustained effort which will bring success despite a difficult childhood. These stories will also remind the child that they are very fortunate to receive a gift thus increasing it's value.

After reading one of the contents the image of the gift will be displayed and the child need to wait for a definite time to read the other content and find out clues to where the gift is hidden. Parents can make the child wait for a short time initially and gradually increase the time subsequently. This will gradually teach the child patience and delayed gratification.

It will also be fun for parents as they will enjoy hiding the gift at different places each time, and can be creative while making clues to find the gift.

Advantages of Parentbox:

Gifting a child with a difference

Fun for parents and children

Parents can hide the gift

Child has to wait for the gift

Teach patience and delayed gratification

Make the child learn the life of successful people

Increase the value of the gift