After reuniting with Vegeta at The Lookout, Gotenks explains regarding the Frieza situation to Vegeta. Vegeta says he has the same situation with Cooler. Gotenks says that they should forget about all of this and summon Shenron, adding that the dragon can grant three wishes after receiving an upgrade from Dende. Gotenks asks if he can get one wish. Despite being fused, Gotenks will decide his wish by voting. Surprisingly, Vegeta allows this. While deciding what to wish, Cell suddenly appears and says "It goes for the one who wins the battle of course". Vegeta then realizes that the current situation also brings Cell back to life. After receiving a warm-up earlier from the fight with Piccolo, Cell asks for the Dragon Radar. Vegeta orders Gotenks to take the radar and get out of here, saying he will hold Cell to allow them to escape. Gotenks sets out to find the dragon balls. Cell itries to chase Gotenks. but is halted by Vegeta. Vegeta transforms into Super Saiyan 2 to battle Super Perfect Cell. Stronger than he was before, Vegeta is able to defeat Cell. Vegeta later deduces that Cell will escape by using Instant Transmission. Vegeta holds Cell in full-nelson to bring them both to Hell, they soon teleport.

After they arrive, Goku tells Kibito Kai about the situation back on Hell. Kibito Kai explains that there is a ring that cleanse the evil energy. He adds that people should always strive for themselves and the others. If they only think of themselves, certain energy is born. The one that doesn't care about themselves can be consumed with evil. Gohan asks if the evil energy gets collected after one dies. Kibito Kai says it works that way, and it's being generated more easily and can spread like contagion. Now that the evil energy also made it's way to Earth, it makes the situation even more dangerous, since good people can also turn evil if affected. Goku suggests using the dragon balls to fix this, Kibito Kai agrees. While Goku, Gohan and Kibito Kai search for the dragon balls, Pikkon stays in case Janemba returns.

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Gohan and Kibito Kai looked through a hole, they find Cooler. They spot Cooler has a dragon ball, Ultimate Gohan prepares to fight Final Form Cooler, with the latter realizing he's a Saiyan. Gohan orders Cooler to hand over the dragon ball, but Cooler refuses. They prepare for battle. Ultimate Gohan proves too strong for Cooler to handle. Gohan tells Cooler to be nice and hand the dragon ball over, but Cooler escapes by using Instant Transmission. Gohan prepares to make a chase, but Kibito Kai assures him they can wait, since it's only one dragon ball.

At Ruins, Goku wonders where the dragon balls are , since they don't have the radar. Frieza reveals he has just found one. Frieza says he's also here for revenge against Goku. Super Saiyan Goku reluctantly agrees to fight 100% Full Power Frieza. Goku manages to defeat Frieza. Frieza says he can't move. Goku states he can transform two more times. Goku exclaims Frieza is done.

Goku says "nothing he says will change Frieza's mind now" as he prepares to kill Frieza. Frieza blasted, shouts to Goku that he will always come back no matter what. After finishing Frieza, Goku continues his journey to find the dragon balls.

After having too much fun dealing with the Ghosts, Cell laments himself that everyone got away. While thinking about his next move, Krillin appears. Krillin chastise his bad luck for always running into the villains. Cell is amused by this. Cell would like to ask a question to Krillin. Krillin rejects. But Cell says he would like to do this in a civilized manner. To sweeten the pot, Cell will answer one of Krillin's question. Being outmatched by Cell's power, Krillin agrees to this. Krillin realizes Cell is in his Perfect Form, asking if Cell is going to absorb Android 17 and Android 18 again. Cell asks if that's what Krillin is thinking. Now Cell asked Krillin about the whereabouts of the dragon balls or the radar. Krillin says he can't tell Cell about that, angering Cell. Cell says Krillin can be his hostage while looking for the dragon balls. Scared, Krillin turns into his unlock potential form to fight Cell. Cell manages to defeat Krillin easily. With the defeat of Krillin, Cell uses Krillin as his hostage while waiting for either Goku or Android 18 to come and try to save Krillin.

Goku leaves Frieza alone now that he can't move. He goes to Plains and wonders where Vegeta is. While exploring, somehow Goku finds Teen Gohan, likely caused by time anomalies. Teen Gohan wonders how he's here. Present Gohan notes that there is a lot of suspicious activity around here, Kibito Kai says it must be due distortions in space. Goku arrives and picks up Gohan, they then teleport. Goku asks if Gohan is hiding something from him, Gohan denies such thing. Then, Goku asks Gohan what's that (pointing at Teen Gohan). Gohan acknowledges it as his past self, while Goku thinks it's Gohan and Videl's child. Gohan rebuffs this. Gohan wonders what is going on with Goku's head, turns out Goku is just messing with him. Suddenly, Teen Gohan comes to them and calls Goku "dad." Goku continues messing with the Present Gohan after his past self calls him dad. Teen Gohan knows Goku is his real father and asks if Goku knows it's him. Checking his past self, Present Gohan spar with Teen Gohan while asking some questions, they both turn into Super Saiyans. While Teen Gohan is impressed with his future self, the Present Gohan is struggling for breath. Goku tells Present Gohan to stop acting like an old man. Teen Gohan asks Present Gohan if he has become a scholar yet, Present Gohan says that there's a delay and he is still working on it. Teen Gohan also realizes that Goku has came back to life. Goku asks how Teen Gohan is able to get here, Teen Gohan says he doesn't know and he felt like he's floating. Present Gohan concludes that the current situation may have affecting timelines. Goku invites Teen Gohan to have a sparring match. Present Gohan asks to his past self how to refer to each other, the latter says "just by the name." Before continuing their quest in finding the dragon ball, Gohan asks:

Goku says he left Kibito Kai back there, and asks the Gohans to pick him up, while Goku searches for the dragon balls. Gohan tells Goku that Yamcha and Tien are dealing with Broly, Goku tells Gohan that they will go and help them.

Goku arrives and finds the rage-blinded Gohan. Kibito Kai fills Goku in with the current situation. However, Gohan is unable to hear Goku's words. Goku tells Kibito Kai to get out of the way and to have a Senzu Bean ready for Gohan. Goku turns into Kaioken and tells Gohan not to hold back. After this, Goku manages to have some words to Gohan. Gohan finally manages to drive the rage and the evil energy out of him. He then ran into Goku and cries, the latter says to stop crying now that he's not a kid anymore. The Present Gohan is somewhat embarrased about the situation. Videl asks Present Gohan what he feels about himself now, Gohan says he used to hate fighting, but have to protect his loved ones and the planet. Teen Gohan is tired out by his crying and passed out. Goku asks The Present Gohan about Majin Vegeta situation. Present Gohan says he lost him, and tells Goku that they should go for the dragon balls, now that Cell and Cooler are also after them. Rejuvenated with the Senzu Bean, Goku join forces with Piccolo and the others to find the dragon balls. (Story continues at Chapter 4)

Frieza is happy that he can look for the dragon balls at his own leisure. Frieza finds Krillin and tells him to come to him, calling him baldy. Angry, Krillin tells Frieza he shaved his head. Frieza remembers Krillin is the human who got torn to bits long time ago. Frieza understand why Krillin is here alive, it was the dragon balls. Frieza politely asks Krillin to hand them over. With Krillin not telling Frieza about the dragon balls, Frieza powers up to his 100% Full Power and tells Krillin he will smash him into atoms again, Krillin is nervous, and it also shows that his legs are shaking. With no options left, Krillin prays for courage and powers up into his Unlock Potential form. Unsurprisingly, Frieza still manages to toy with Krillin, but gives Krilin a praise for being stronger than the last time they met. Before ending Krillin for the second time, Frieza thinks about getting the dragon balls or finish the fight first:

Frieza decides to destroy Krillin. Luckily for Krillin, Pikkon comes to the rescue. Pikkon swears that he will get the dragon balls and the radar back from Frieza. Frieza says he has valid reasons about his use on dragon balls. Pikkon tells Frieza he shouldn't be meddling with living world. They continue to argue before Final Form Cooler shows up. Cooler boasts as long as Janemba is alive and Heaven is sealed, he and Frieza will always come back. With a battle is inevitable, Pikkon tells Krillin to get away and also jokes that Krillin's itinerary is just set to include Snake Way only, not Heaven. However, Pikkon is unable to beat Cooler. Before Cooler is able to defeat Pikkon for good, Kibito Kai shows up and teleports Pikkon and himself to seek refuge at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Cooler is confused that he cannot sense their energies, thinking they teleport to another dimension, cursing himself for underestimating them.

Frieza continues looking for dragon balls and sense someone is coming to his way. Android 18 is angry that Broly is persistent as ever. While hiding and watching, Frieza is somewhat amused that the beast (Broly) is playing with the butterfly (#18). Frieza thinks it should be the best option to ask either of them who has the dragon ball in their possession directly. #18 finds Frieza. Frieza asks them who has the dragon balls. #18 is quick to point out that Broly has them. Frieza asks #18 again to confirm, #18 confirms that The Big Super Saiyan Knucklehead has the dragon balls. Frieza is upset that there is another living Saiyan. Frieza tells Broly what happened to Planet Vegeta. Broly is a bit saddened about the destruction of the planet but tells Frieza that he ascended just before the destruction of the planet. Frize is horrified that Broly is able to survive the explosion. Broly exclaims that anyone who gets in the way will be crushed, Frieza notes that Broly is quite a specimen. They fight. Defeated, Frieza curses he will just destroy this planet. Just before doing so, Frieza realizes that #18 has tricked him, Frieza continues to curse his luck. Broly is bored and tells Frieza just to stop breathing if he can't continue. Frieza fires some energy blasts to escape from Broly. (See Chapter 4 Path AB for the continuation. (third paragraph)) be457b7860

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