What is inservice? How do I document the inservice I attend?

The State of Kansas requires paras to complete a calculated amount of inservice hours each school year. The state defines inservice as “professional development where you learn something to take back to the classroom to use with the students.” A Para Inservice Log will be shared with you to document your inservice hours; this log will include the required amount of hours you need to obtain. You can access this log on your Google Drive; type in the search bar: "Para Inservice Log 2023-2024." I would recommend bookmarking this log for easy access. Along with your log, please sign in on the sign-in sheet (also located on the Teacher's Corner page of this website); the presenter should have one available for you if you attend training within the district. If you complete a Learning Opportunity on the Learning Opportunity page of this website, please fill out a Learning Summary after each training on the Learning Summary page of this website, and document this on your Para Inservice Log. Regarding college credit hours or other inservice opportunities not aforementioned, please reach out to the Special Services Secretary. She will request documentation such as a degree audit, certificate of completion, or likewise. She will then request approval from the Assistant Director of Special Services. If approved, you can document the inservice on your Para Inservice Log.

Why do you need to document inservice hours?

These hours are utilized by the state to fund paraeducator positions. By obtaining the required amount of hours, you are ensuring maximum funding for salary purposes. You need to fill out your Para Inservice Log for state auditing purposes. Along with your log, you need to sign-in to an inservice training, fill out a learning summary, or provide other documentation as mentioned above as proof of attendance. If you do not fill out your log and have the supplemental documentation, the hours of inservice you attended will be discounted, amounting to less funding; this is why it is important to complete the required amount of inservice hours. After you have completed the required amount of inservice hours on your log with documentation, you do not need to fill out your log or provide documentation. We do ask that you sign in to mandatory inservice days if there is a sheet supplied.


New Para Orientation - Required Inservice Training

ESI Emergency Safety Interventions
Confidentiality for Support Staff.pdf


Helpful Information

Example Para Inservice Log

Example Log.xlsx
Initial Para Training 22-23

Initial Para Training Video

Initial Para Training Video.mp4