Paraeducator Calendar: 2024-2025
Mandatory Inservice
August 6 - All Staff Convocation (7 hours)
August 12th - Mandatory Inservice Day (8 hours)
April 18th - Optional 1/2 Day Inservice (4 hours) **Paras are invited but not required to attend unless Inservice hours are needed**
Optional Inservice Opportunities
CPI Training (referred by the principal) (8 hours)
Classroom teacher-guided/site-level training (Varies) Teacher MUST provide a Sign-In sheet.
The paraeducator will assist the teacher in meeting the academic and physical needs of allchildren, including the educationally and physically handicapped, and help maintain properclassroom atmosphere.Personal Qualifications1. Tolerance and understanding of all children.2. Initiative, so as to take over when needed without direction.3. Creativity, for positive input into the program.4. Adaptability, of all new situations and programs.5. Good judgment, in decision-making situations.6. Confidentiality, with all information about children and families.7. Dependability, with regular attendance and punctuality.8. Courtesy and tact with all other personnel.9. Good health and appearance.
Teacher Assistance (Classroom)1. Arrange according to teacher’s plan.2. Assists in preparation, care and use of instructional materials and equipment.3. Assists in maintaining good housekeeping standards.4. Follows instructions under the leadership of the teacher.5. Be alert in assisting to maintain desirable behavior standards.6. Assists in detecting any behavioral, health or physical deviations, which warrant theattention of the teacher.7. Assumes supervisory role during the teacher’s temporary absence.8. May assist the teacher in checking pupil’s written assignments.9. Assists in operation and care of standard audiovisual equipment.10. Performs related duties as assigned.
Pupil Assistance1. Assists with group and individual activities.2. Supervises children moving from place to place in a safe, orderly manner.3. Assists children with personal care and sanitary needs.4. Assists handicapped children in walking, using wheelchairs and using special equipment.5. Aids children in using audiovisual equipment.6. Assists children by following the Individual Education Program under the supervision of theteacher.7. Assists children with the instructional program under the supervision of the teacher.8. Performs related duties as assigned.9. Modifications and adaptations may be made under the supervision of the teacher.
Please be aware of a change in philosophy of paraeducator assignments. As we move forward inneighborhood schools and interrelated programs, you will find yourself working in a variety ofsettings. Included in these settings will be the regular classroom as well as resource rooms.However, a major philosophical change is that you will find yourself becoming less attached to onespecial education teacher. Instead the philosophy is that a given school has a certain number ofpositions which are resources to enable more flexible programming for special education students.
As a result, you may find yourself working with a number of faculty rather than just one specialeducation teacher. You will continue to be assigned to a special education teacher, but that doesnot necessarily preclude working only with that teacher.