
Perturbation of SST in slab ocean model.

*Kang et al. 2017

Analyzing the Responses of Radiative Feedback for the Spatial Variation of Sea Surface Temperature by Using Green’s Function

Climate models have a wide range of sensitivities in response to increased greenhouse gas concentrations, and differences in feedback processes that amplify or attenuate the original radiative disturbance are one of the main concerns of climate change. This radiative disturbance relies on the sea surface temperature pattern of different areas and so it can change with time as SST patterns evolve which is called pattern effect. It is conceivable to analyze variations in atmospheric radiative fluxes caused by feedbacks from the atmosphere and surface temperature, water vapor, and surface albedo by using radiative kernels at the top of the atmosphere. For this study we have planned to perturb the temperature in different location by using aqaplanet symmetric setup of Community Atmospheric Model (CAM5), CESM1.2.1. In this simulation, we will consider the physics of atmospheric circulation, top-of-atmosphere radiation, and surface warming, which will give us the concept of a feedback loop. The assumed response is the variation of temperature will appear in the exact perturb location however we hypothesize that response will spread over long distance from the perturb location. Additionally, we guessed that the strong radiative response would appear at the equator followed by the subtropics and lowest will be at pole. We also expected that the zonal mean energy budget from Green’s function simulation may also reveals the variability of radiative response in different altitude of the troposphere. Finally, we hope that these simulations will help us understand the feedback loops that determine the magnitude of global warming.

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Height versus the vertical component of the electric field at the center of a thunder cell at different time

Diagnostic Study of the Lightning Potential Index and Electric Field in Two Thunderstorm Cases over Bangladesh

Trying to develop an accurate forecasting strategy for lightning based on the calculation of the vertical profile of Electric Field and the Lightning Potential Index (LPI) in the developing thundercloud by using WRF-ELEC.

Greens Function Protocol for Sea Surface Temperature using E3SM

Coming soon

Heat Wave Prediction

This study attempts to simulate heatwave events over Bangladesh using the WRF-ARW Model that could be used to implement a best practice strategy for predicting heatwaves in Bangladesh. In this research, 17 heatwave events were identified from the period between 2007 and 2022. The thresholds for heatwave events were considered when the maximum temperature from a weather station was above the 95th percentile for three consecutive days. After carefully identifying the events, all the events were simulated with the WRF-ARW model. Simulated temperature, relative humidity, and wind vector (direction and speed) were analyzed for this research. The synoptic conditions were synthesized for all the heatwave events. It was found that the propagation of warm temperatures corresponded to the movement of wind and was aptly supported by the presence of humidity in the region of interest. This information could be used at the operational level for predicting heatwaves.