Igor A D Paploski

My name is Igor A. D. Paploski and I am a Researcher at the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the University of Minnesota, at the VanderWaal lab .

I was a Postdoctoral Associate between 2018 and 2022 at the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the University of Minnesota. I completed my PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at the Institute of Collective Health at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil in 2017. I earned my Master's degree in Epidemiology and Investigative Medicine at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ/BA), Brazil in 2013 and my DVM at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil in 2010.

My interests are in the epidemiology of infectious diseases affecting human or animal populations, especially those that disproportionally affect neglected populations. My current research focuses on understanding the transmission and evolution of PRRSv and PEDv affecting swine herds in the U.S.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at ipaplosk (at) umn.edu