About Papa

What can I tell you about my father in law (Hi, I'm Marcus the guy behind the scenes - I collect the wood in East London, organise the craft fairs in East London and keep the social media and website up to date - from my home in East London).

Papa is papa to 4 grandchildren; has 3 daughters (the middle one is my lovely wife) and lives in the Midlands with 'Nanny P' where his woodshop is.

A bit of history: His Dad was a butcher but also worked with wood, making landscapes carved into wood and decorative wooden walking sticks. Papa has always worked with wood, making furniture for his home and items for friends and family. He added wood turning to his many other talents in 2014.

Papa's Solid WoodShop was born in 2017 Papa had started to master the wood turning and I came across 3 very big trees that had been cut down near my house.

He came down for a visit and I persuaded him to take a van full of rounds - Ash, Cherry and London Plane.

A year or so later, the wood had dried and Papa had been hard at work. He returned with tables, bowls, candle sticks, cups, stools and so much more and so Papa's Solid WoodShop was born.

I booked us into some craft fairs and a short while later started posting about his work.

The response has been incredible!

At the craft fairs - people love that the wood is sourced locally - mainly from trees felled in Upper Leytonstone. The furniture is so unique and our prices are very, very, very - many have said too reasonable!

We have some of our pieces in a local shop .... and a big following on social media...

What's Next:

I am building up a relationship with the local council who are always happy to drop off rounds when the cut down trees near me.

We are excited to move into the world of selling on-line - my family and I love spending weekends at the craft markets in East London and will continue this too, with guest appearances a few times a year from Papa himself.

Papa continues to enjoy spreading his time between the woodshop, looking after his grand kids, cycling and planning grand family camping holidays.