18- Immanant varieties   (con Davide Bolognini)

Linear algebra and its applications,  682, 164-190 (2024).

17 - Linear extensions and shelling orders   (con Davide Bolognini)

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 55 (6), 2718-2731  (2023).

16 - Wachs permutations, Bruhat order and weak order   (con Francesco Brenti)

European Journal of Combinatorics.

15 - The intermediate orders of a Coxeter group   (con Angela Carnevale e Matthew Dyer)

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, aceptado.

14 - P-flag spaces and incidence stratifications  (con Davide Bolognini)

Selecta Mathematica, 27, 72 (2021).

13 - Special idempotents and projections

Semigroup  Forum, 103, 261-277 (2021).

12 - Artin group injection in the Hecke algebra for right-angled groups

Geometriae Dedicata 214, 193–210 (2021) .

10 - Right-angled Coxeter groups, universal graphs, and Eulerian polynomials,

European Journal of Combinatorics, 84 (2020).

9 - p-Jones-Wenzl idempotents  (con Gastón Burrull y Nicolás Libedinsky),

Advances in Mathematics 352, 246-264  (2019)

8 - The Jones-Wenzl idempotent of a generalized Temperley-Lieb algebra,

Journal of Algebra, 528, 505-524 (2019)

7 - Parabolically induced functions and equidistributed pairs,

Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 25 (3), 461-479 (2019)

6 - The generalized lifting property of Bruhat intervals  (con Fabrizio Caselli),

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 45 (3), 687-700 (2017)

5 - Parabolic Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials for quasi-minuscule quotients (con Francesco Brenti y Pietro Mongelli),

Advances in Applied Mathematics 78, 27-55  (2016)

4 - Parabolic Kazhdan–Lusztig R-polynomials for quasi-minuscule quotients (con Francesco Brenti y Pietro Mongelli),

Journal of Algebra 452, 574-595 (2016)

3 - Parabolic Temperley–Lieb modules and polynomials,

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 138, 1-28 (2016)

2 - Complements of Coxeter group quotients,

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 41 (3), 727-750 (2015)