
1. Communication and communion. Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication. 

2. “The experience of community and communication”. Prof. Moises Sbardelotto, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. 

3. The Church and Media: overview of the Church’s documents. Sr Bernadette Reis, Managing editor for Vatican News. 

4. Institutional communication: walking in the same direction. Prof. Juan Narbona, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. 

5. Online mission. Msgr. Lucio A. Ruiz, Secretary of the Dicastery for Communication. 

6. Planning for online mission – workshop. Sr Bernadette Reis, Managing editor for Vatican News. 

7. Envisioning the Word: Faith Communication with Images. Prof. Daniella Zsoupan-Jerome, Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary 

8. “Virtual visit” to Vatican News / Vatican Radio and L’Osservatore Romano (“Donne Chiesa Mondo” and “L’Osservatore di Strada” included). Dr. Andrea Tornielli, Editorial Director for Vatican News; Dr. Rita Pinci, Editorial coordinator for “Donne Chiesa Mondo”; Dr. Piero Di Domenicantonio, Editorial coordinator for “L’Osservatore di Strada”. 

9. Pastoral Reflection on Social Media Engagement – Dr. Nataša Govekar, Theological-Pastoral Director, Dicastery for Communication, and Faith Communication Team.