
Working Papers:

"Rule of Thumb: Intimate Partner Violence in Ecuador" (Job Market Paper)

In Ecuador, throughout their lifetime, over six in ten women will experience some form of violence (MJDHC, 2018). This paper explores the impact of assets in the woman's name, attitudes towards wife-beating and patriarchal norms as well as childhood experiences of violence by either the husband or the wife on the probability of intimate partner violence. Results show that while asset ownership is somewhat protective of intimate partner violence, women's access to money for personal expenses is strongly associated with lower probability of violence. Holding traditional beliefs encouraging obedience to spouses is quite protective of violence. Without exception, there is a strong intergenerational aspect to violence, where violent family backgrounds are strongly associated with higher incidences of violence.

"The Road Not Taken or The One Most Travelled By: The Intergenerational Transmission of Child Labour in Ecuador" - Link.

"Seen and Not Heard: Household Chores and the Well-Being of Ecuadorian Children" - Link.

Work in Progress:

"Playing on the See-Saw: As Disabilities Go Up Do Outcomes Go Down? Examining Children's Outcomes in the Presence of a Sibling with a Disability"

"Understanding Child Labour: An Applied Heterogeneous Agents Model Approach"

Industrial Clusters in Atlantic Canada (with Louis Beaubien, Talan B. Iscan and Jing Zhang)

Other Publications:

"The beginning of my road to development: Working for the Multicultural Association of Fredericton" In: Charlebois, J., and Fanning, A., (2013) First Forays in International Development: Instructive Experiences from Seven Young Professionals. Lambert Academic Publishing.