7 Table of contents Preface Introduction Classification in the documentation landscape Organization of the Getting Started Views in the TIA Portal Structure of SINUMERIK NCU Product features Getting Started Installing the SINUMERIK toolbox Starting the TIA Portal Creating a sample project Configuring the hardware Configuration example Insert NCU Insert NX module Inserting an ADI4 module Inserting SINUMERIK I/O via the general station description (GSD) file Installing general station description files for SINUMERIK I/O Inserting the SINUMERIK I/O module PP72/ Inserting SINUMERIK MCP/MPP Configuring network interfaces Introduction Configuring an Ethernet Interface Configuring PROFINET Configuring PROFIBUS DP Configure Integrated PROFIBUS (DP Integrated) Configuration of telegrams and I/O addresses Setting up the communication Loading and closing the hardware configuration in the PLC Creating a PLC program Overview Adding the PLC basic program Opening the PLC basic program system library Using copy templates Adding the PLC basic program Getting Started, 05/2017, A5E

10 Introduction 1.2 Organization of the Getting Started 1.2 Organization of the Getting Started Structure of Getting Started Getting Started is subdivided into the following sections: Getting started Configuring the hardware Creating a PLC program Optional: Tips for those changing over from another system and information on project migration A detailed list of the individual configuration steps can be found in the following table. You can use the links to navigate directly to the required task. Step Task Implementation 1 Installing the SINUMERIK toolbox Installing the SINUMERIK toolbox (Page 19) and creating a project (Page 19) Starting the TIA Portal (Page 20) Creating a sample project (Page 21) 2 Inserting and configuring SINUMERIK hardware (Page 23) 3 Programming SINUMERIK PLC (Page 55) Insert NCU (Page 24) Insert NX module (Page 28) Inserting an ADI4 module (Page 32) Inserting SINUMERIK I/O via the general station description (GSD) file (Page 35) Configuring network interfaces (Page 43) Configuration of telegrams and IO addresses (Page 48) Setting up the communication (Page 49) Loading and closing the hardware configuration in the PLC (Page 51) Overview of the PLC program (Page 55) Adding the PLC basic program (Page 56) Edit blocks (Page 65) Configuring Ethernet machine control panels in the PLC program (Page 66) Loading the PLC program to the PLC (Page 67) Creating PLC symbols for SINUMERIK Operate Completing the first commissioning of the PLC (Page 74) 10 Getting Started, 05/2017, A5E

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19 Getting Started Installing the SINUMERIK toolbox Software requirements is a TIA Portal options package, which requires the following products to be installed: SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V14 SP1 To use the SINUMERIK Safety Integrated plus safety concept, you also need the following TIA Portal options package: SIMATIC Safety V14 SP1 Note Software release is a version that has not been generally released. It is released to specific customers for field experience and pilot use. Hardware requirements and other system requirements All of the hardware and system requirements of SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V14 SP1 and, if applicable, SIMATIC Safety V14 SP1. You can find the system requirements of STEP 7 Professional in the following documentation: STEP 7 Professional System Manual ( 207%20Professional%20V14&dtp=Manual) TIA Portal online help, search term "System requirements STEP 7 Professional" Installation Before installing, exit all of the applications (e.g. TIA Portal) and execute the "Start.exe" setup file in the master directory of the product DVD. Uninstallation Via the installation wizard of the TIA Portal, you can uninstall the software, which is entered in the Windows dialog "Uninstall or change program": Getting Started, 05/2017, A5E

59 Creating a PLC program 5.2 Adding the PLC basic program Folder Purpose Contents ALMSG_DB_ ExtendAlMsg External source files You need this master copy if you use the PLC alarm extension via AL_MSG [FC10] (ExtendAlMsg=True). Otherwise you use the DB2 variant "ExtendAlMsg=False", which is contained in the two abovenamed master copies folders. Contains master copies for different external sources (STL). You can copy these sources into the folder "External sources", e.g. under "CNC_1 > PLC_1 > External sources". You edit objects in the "External sources" folder using an external text editor, e.g. Microsoft Editor. See also: Create blocks from external sources (Page 64) This master copy contains ALMSG_DB [DB2] in the variant ExtendAlMsg=True (PLC alarm extension via AL_MSG [FC10]). The used DB2 variant must match in the startup for parameterization of the RUN_UP [FB1] in OB100 [OB100] (parameter ExtendAlMsg). Contains the following master copies, from which you can generate the blocks named below: bhg_db_awl strdat [DB] diagnose.awl FB29 [FB29] DB80 [DB80] DB81 [DB81] FC99 [FC99] gpob840d.awl OB1 [OB1] OB100 [OB100] OB40 [OB40] OB82 [OB82] OB86 [OB86] mdeclist.awl DB75 [DB75] Getting Started, 05/2017, A5E

73 Creating a PLC program 5.6 Exporting PLC symbols for SINUMERIK Operate Importing PLC symbols Requirement The symbol export files are available on the NCU or PCU, e.g. using a USB FlashDrive Note Notation The notation (upper and lower case) of the file names created by the program is mandatory and must not be changed. The current PLC symbols in SINUMERIK Operate have been saved Note Saving or deleting old symbol tables Note that already existing files are overwritten during the export if you confirm that this should be done. Furthermore, it can lead to inconsistencies if not all files are exported. We recommend that the old files are backed up or deleted before a new export, or the files are exported to an empty directory. Procedure To use PLC symbols exported from the TIA Portal in SINUMERIK Operate, proceed as follows: 1. Copy the symbol export files in the following directory on the CF card of the NCU or PCU: /oem/sinumerik/plc/symbols 2. Restart SINUMERIK Operate. 3. After the startup, confirm the "Diagnosis", ">>" and "NC/PLC variables" horizontal softkeys. 4. Select the "Insert variables" softkey. The imported symbols are displayed in the "NC/PLC variables" table and can be imported. Further information Detailed information on how you can load the PLC symbols to the control system are contained in the SINUMERIK 840D sl Universal Operator Manual under the "Loading PLC symbols" keyword. Getting Started, 05/2017, A5E

94 Tips for personnel changing over from another system 6.4 Comparison of functionality 6.4 Comparison of functionality Overview The SINUMERIK TIA Portal Toolbox offers a number of functional changes. Some functions differ from the functions that you know from migrating SINUMERIK Add-on for STEP 7 V5.x. This section provides an overview of the new functionality and compares functions of the TIA Portal with functions from STEP 7 V5.x. Function Adding the SINUMERIK PLC basic program Defining userdefined data types (UDT) SINUMERIK 840D sl Toolbox for STEP 7 V5.x The SINUMERIK Toolbox for STEP 7 V5.x contains a library with the PLC basic program for this specific firmware version. Some data blocks are not contained in this library, but rather they are created at runtime on the controller (e.g. axis DB). In STEP 7 V5.x you can create user-defined data types (UDT) and store them in the "Blocks" folder. The user data blocks from the basic program (e.g. axis DB) provided by SIEMENS are also based on UDT. Symbolic names have been declared for these UDTs in the symbol table without the associated blocks (CPU DBs) being contained in the project. Addressing elements symbolically In STEP 7 V5.x, you could address operands (I/O signals, flags, counters, times, DBs, FBs) either absolutely or symbolically, although absolute addressing had priority as default. In STEP 7 V5.x, you could assign a symbol to operands (I/O signals, flags, counters, times, DBs, FBs) using the symbol table without the operand itself needing to be contained in the project. SINUMERIK TIA Portal Toolbox Extended functionality and changed handling The TIA Portal Toolbox contains various copy templates with basic program blocks for each firmware version. The copy templates also contain data blocks of the axes/spindles and DB2 alarms that differ from the toolbox for STEP 7 V5.x. Although this permits a simple symbolic addressing of the blocks, you should add only those blocks that you require in your program. See: User-defined data types from the basic program (Page 106) Changed handling In the TIA Portal you can create used-defined structured data types (UDT) in the special "PLC data types" folder. See: Using user-defined data types (UDT) (Page 104) The user data blocks from the basic program are not based on UDT, but rather they are global DBs. These data blocks are supplied as copy templates and can be added to the project so they can be addressed symbolically. User-defined data types from the basic program (Page 106) Changed handling In the TIA Portal, however, symbolic addressing has priority which increases the readability of the program and so simplifies error correction. In the TIA Portal, there is no symbol table and all used objects have a symbolic name. See: Changing the operand priority (absolute/symbolic) (Page 109) 94 Getting Started, 05/2017, A5E be457b7860

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