Causal Inference/Randomization Tests

Life after bootstrap: Residual randomization inference in regression models (pdf / slides)

Randomization tests in observational studies with staggered adoption of treatment, with Shaikh, A.

Randomization tests for peer effects in group formation experiments, with Basse, G.; Feller A.; Ding, P. (pdf)

A graph-theoretic approach to randomization tests of causal effects under general interference, with Puelz, D.; Basse, G.; Feller, A. (pdf / slides)

Estimation of causal effects when treatments are entangled by network evolution, with Volfovsky, A.; Airoldi, EM.

Minimax crossover designs, with Basse, G.; Ding, Yi. (pdf)

Dynamical systems theory for causal inference with application to synthetic controls, with Ding, Yi. (pdf)

Machine Learning

The Proximal Robbins-Monro method, with Horel, T.; Airoldi, EM. (Winner of IBM 2018 award) (pdf)

Statistical inference and testing at scale with stochastic gradient-based estimators, with Chee, J.

Estimation of large-scale dynamic discrete choice models with stochastic gradient methods, with Junhyung Kim, L.; Misra, S.


Screening with tournaments, with Parkes, DC. (pdf)