I am using Panopto with quizzes on D2L. Students are having problems with the quizzes I included in Panopto. When the students jump forward through the presentation, they are taking quizzes before having viewed the video explanations. So, I changed the quiz questions to allow students to retake the quiz. Only problem is that students are reporting that they cannot retake the quizzes. A similar problem happens when they stop partway through a presentation and finish later -- a partial grade is reported to D2L, then when the student goes to finish, their final grade on the item does not go through to D2L.

This would also generally be useful when a student is retaking a class and the quizzes aren't copied into the new course folder, but just link back to the previous term. The new Canvas course copy features should fix this for us, but I still think having a way to allow a retake without clearing everything is a good tool to have.

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The quiz settings feature does allow multiple retakes, but it overrides the previous grade try. It think this makes sense as the recorded grade in Canvas, is the most recent attempt. This works for us at my institution.

Just had an instance where we needed to reset an individual's "0" score on a Panopto Quiz. Instructor does not want to reset the quiz to allow retakes for everyone. Only wants to reset for the one student who got the zero. As far as I know it's still all or nothing, allow retakes for ALL or None. Not for one individual.

I have a few students that need to repeat the course each semester. I agree with you all that it would be nice if we could just reset students individually. But what would be even nicer is if panopto automatically "archived" results at the end of each term and then each term would start fresh. I would like to have access to the quiz results as historical data if ever needed for research or something. I know I can download the results on my own each term, but yuck! Who has time for all that!? When we used Techsmith Knowmia this was never an issue. Maybe panopto can call them and find out how they did it! ?

Even better would be to restrict the correct answers till after they are done with all attempts. I'd like to allow them 2 attempts per question without having already given them access to the correct answers!! The whole point of the questions is to get them to watch the video. Giving them the correct answers and unlimited retakes defeats that purpose.

A few instructors and myself who use Mac are unable to record screens or windows using Panopto Capture through Google Chrome even after unlocking the lock icon and ticking the box in System Preferences > Security & Privacy to allow screen recording. However, when we select the Chrome tab in the Screens and Apps option in Panopto Capture, the tab screen is visible in the recording.

Attached are some screenshots. I am using the latest version of Chrome. I had to uninstall the chrome and reinstall it. the issue still persists. So I am stuck in a loop between a prompt asking to allow screen recording and reopening the chrome. You can see the chrome browser is being recorded when I select the chrome tab in the screen option. I used a different browser - firefox and I was able to record the screen successfully. However, I am trying to resolve this issue for another instructor who prefers using Chrome.

Closed captioning workflows within Panopto allow for the seamless addition of machine- or human-generated captions. Automatic machine-generated captions can be instantly inserted and edited on the fly within any individual recording. Administrators can also enable closed captioning at scale by configuring permission-based ordering from top global human captioning service providers right inside Panopto.

Panopto also includes sophisticated video management tools that enable administrators to set both system-wide and departmental content retention policies. A variety of other administrative tools allow you to customize branding and embed Panopto into third party systems, like your LMS, your company intranet, and other communication platforms.

The Panopto integration provides the tools to add and manage Panopto video files from inside Brightspace courses. Video files and classroom lecture recordings added to Brightspace courses using Panopto allow students to watch on any computer, laptop or mobile device.

The default setting for Panopto recordings allows students to view videos when placed in a D2L course, but students are unable to download videos unless the permission is manually changed through Panopto.

If Panopto is not in the Navigation list, you can request CUIT activate this service for your course. Send an email request to panopto@columbia.edu; include the full course number and your UNI. Once CUIT has activated Panopto in your course, follow the steps above to enable the service.

Clicking on the Panopto Recordings link from the CourseWorks navigation will bring you to the Panopto interface. This page allows you to upload a video from your desktop, record a new video, create a playlist, or add subfolders to organize content. By default, only instructors can create and record videos for a course. For individual assignments, students can be given permission to create and upload videos. See this additional information for finding and viewing video material in Panopto.

As video becomes a more prevalent way to deliver class content, so is asking students to submit assignments with a video component. Using learning outcomes as a guide, instructors could consider creating assignments with multiple possible submission types allowing students to select the submission type that best fits their ability to demonstrate understanding. This will ensure that their submission is the best possible representation of their understanding of the concept. Using a rubric will help students understand the requirements of the assignment and help instructors grade the assignment fairly regardless of the representative form submitted by the student.

Panopto is an online video platform that allows users to record videos, capture presentations, broadcast class sessions, and manage video content. Panopto features a secure video library along with a knowledge-sharing platform allowing for peer-to-peer learning and interaction.

Panopto and Zoom are both video communication platforms, but with different specializations. Since Panopto comes with unlimited storage, and integrates nicely with Canvas, we recommend Pantopto be used for course recordings, lecture capture, and live-streaming of course sessions. The Panopto platform also easily allows an instructor to share multiple inputs such as their presentation slides, document camera content, and/or webcam content. The Panopto platform also easily archives all your video content online.

The most common way to use Panopto in your course is to enable the course navigation menu item for Panopto. This will allow you and your students to access the Panopto user interface within Canvas. You will first need to enable the navigation item in your course. Each Canvas course will automatically have a folder created for the course in Panopto where instructors are granted creator access and students are granted viewer access.

Panopto suggests utilizing the "My Folder" feature in order to keep content that will be utilized and shared across different courses and terms. Within this folder, you can create additional folders for organizational purposes. Any videos you will be sharing can be placed in these folders. Once in these folders, the videos can be used and embedded in your Canvas course as you would any other content on Panopto. Embedding content within Canvas is the best way to share as this allows the embed code to manage the permissions for you.

Additionally, if you want to hyperlink the video in your course you will need to create a shareable link which once set up, will continue to work across your courses. From the video, you will want to click on the share button and select to change the view settings to Your Organization (unlisted). This will allow the link to work at Cal State LA without making the video public and searchable.

The PlayPosit integration with Panopto allows Institutional partners to add interactivity and accountability to all hosted video content. Once the integration is completed by the administrator, instructors/designers can pull Panopto content into PlayPosit following the steps below:

Browsers that are set to block all third-party cookies or cross-site tracking may cause problems when viewing PlayPosit content. If allowing third-party cookies is not possible, then the following recommendations will allow learners to watch Panopto videos without authentication issues across various browsers:

This can occur when an interaction is placed at the very end of a video. It is caused by a Panopto player behavior that does not allow the interaction to register. Panopto has been notified of the issue and they are currently investigating.

I wanted to download some panopto recordings, however it seems that I don't have the option/cant find it for any of my classes. When i looked it up I couldn't find settings on any page. Am I blind or do all teachers disable downloading?

The iOS Canvas app requires certain settings to allow your Canvas credentials to be automatically used to view Panopto (Media Library) content. Without these settings enabled, you may see a notice to "click to sign in and play" on content within the Canvas app, and clicking may not bring up the ability to sign in and view the content. This article shows the setting that needs to be changed to allow for easier access to Panopto content.

This article will cover some important functions relating to Panopto Assignment folders. Specifically we will cover creating multiple assignment folders, how to allow students to see others submissions, and any other relevant processes to the LSU community as they are identified. 006ab0faaa

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