Course: Numerical Methods

Course Information:

When: MW 4:30pm - 5:45pm (EST)

Where: Wilmeth Active Learning Center 2087


Instructor: Pan Li

Office Hour of Pan Li: Mon. & Wed. 5:45pm-6:15pm, Wilmeth Active Learning Center 2087 (after the lectures on Mon. & Wed.)

Teaching Assistants and the Office Hours:


Numerical Methods by Anne Greenbaum and Tim Chartier


This course is a introductory course on numerical computation.

Topics include (tentative):

Basics (Chapters 1-5)

  1. Introduction and Mathematical modeling (1-2) (Coding examples)

Readings: Chapter 1 and Appendices A & B of the textbook

  1. Introduction to software for numerical computation (Julia) (1-2) (Chapter 2) (install tutorial) (Coding examples)

Readings: Chapter 2 of the textbook and Tutorial on Julia (Chapter 1-5 and plotting)

[Homework 1: Mathematical Modeling + Julia]

  1. Floating-point computation (2) (Chapter 5)

(lecture1, lecture2)

[Sep 6. No class]

  1. Monte Carlo methods (1) (Chapter 3) (Coding examples)

  2. Newton's method for root finding, bisection search, fixed-point iteration (2) (Chapter 4) (Coding example)

(lecture1, lecture2)

[Homework 2: Floating-point + MC methods + Netwon]

Midterm I on Sep. 29 (covers 1-5)

Linear system (Chapters 6,7,12)

  1. Gaussian elimination and its complexity, LU factorization, pivoting (2) (Chapter 7.1 - 7.3) (Coding example)

  2. Conditioning and error in linear systems (2) (Chapter 6, Chapter 7.4 - 7.5) (Coding example)

[Homework3: Linear systems, Conditioning, error]

[Oct 11. No class]

  1. QR factorization and least squares (1) (Chapter 7.6)

  2. Iterative methods to solve linear systems and Conjugated gradient descent (2) (Chapter 12.2)

  3. Eigenvalues problems (1-2) (Chapter 12.1)

[Homework4: QR, LS, iterative methods, eigenvalues]

Midterm II on Nov. 10 (covers 6-11)

Numerical calculus (Chapters 8-11, some 13, 14)

  1. The Vandermonde form and the interpolating polynomial (1-2) (Chapter 8.1 - 8.3).

  2. Chebyshev and spline interpolation (1-2) (Chapter 8.5 - Chapter 8.6)

  3. Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes, piecewise integration (1) (Chapter 10.1-10.2)

[Homework 5: interpolation, newton-cotes]

  1. Numerical integration: Gaussian Quadrature (1) (Chapter 10.3)

[Nov 24. No class]

  1. Numerical Methods for ODE: Euler's methods, midpoint, Runge-Kutta (1) (Chapter 11.1, 11.2)

  2. Numerical Methods for ODE: Local truncation error and convergence (1) (Chapter 11.1, 11.2)

[Homework 6: numerical integration and ODE]

Midterm III on Dec. 8 (covers parts of 12-17)


Students should get at least C, suggested B, in the following (or equivalent) course categories.


Homework: 6% * 6 = 36%

The due of a homework will be Friday 11:59 pm, next week after the homework gets released.

Late submission is allowed. The late due is the first monday 11:59 pm after the Friday due. Late submission can only get 80% credit.

Quizzes (3% * 4 = 12%)

Three midterms (20% + 20% + 12% = 52%, in-class exam)

Scribing Lecture Notes / Commenting on HWs (3% bonus)

Survey (1% bonus)


The anticipated grade ranges are

  • A+---95% +

  • A --- 87 - 95%

  • B --- 70 - 86%

  • C --- 55 - 69%

  • D --- 40 - 55%

  • F --- 0 - 40%

These may be adjusted downward by up to 10% to achieve a reasonable grade distribution. They also may be minor upward adjustments.


Homework 1 Mathematical Modeling + Julia [Due Sep 10]

Homework 2 [Release due Sep 13] [Due Sep 24]

Homework 3 [Release due Oct 04] [Due Oct 22]

Homework 4 [Release due Oct 25] [Due Nov 05]

Homework 5 [Release due Nov 08] [Due Nov 19]

Homework 6 [Release due Nov 22] [Due Dec 3]


Quiz 1 [Sep 1]

Quiz 2 [Oct 11]

Quiz 3 [Nov 3]

Quiz 4 [Nov 17]