The 1st Workshop on Pervasive AI and Network Intelligence for Metaverse Advancements 

March 11-15, 2024 in Biarritz, France, Co-located with IEEE PerCom 2024

An event to bring ideas and discussion related to pervasive AI and network intelligence for Metaverse evolution

In recent years, the Metaverse technology has gained significant attention, representing a convergence of virtual and physical realities. As this virtual world expands, ubiquitous AI and network intelligence become pivotal in ensuring a seamless and immersive experience for users. This workshop aims to explore the intersections of pervasive AI and network intelligence within the context of the metaverse, discussing their applications, challenges, and potential future developments. The key idea is to provide a platform for researchers to showcase their work on emerging research topics, novel applications, and cutting-edge technologies related to pervasive artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent wireless networking towards evolving Metaverse. We solicit submissions addressing the technical, practical, and collaborative aspects of this emerging field, with an opportunity to advance the understanding and application of these technologies in the Metaverse, paving the way for innovative solutions and experiences in the virtual world.

Important Dates

We accept paper submissions to our workshop. All submissions should follow the PerCom 2024  author guidelines.

Paper submission deadline:  November 17th, 2023 

Paper notification: January 8th, 2024

Camera-ready deadline: February 2nd, 2024

Keynote Speakers
(To be announced)