Call for Paper and Submission Guidelines

The 1st Workshop on Pervasive AI and Network Intelligence for Metaverse Advancements (PANIMA'24) at IEEE PerCom 2024, to be held from March 11-15, 2024 in Biarritz, France, aims to explore and foster research in the domain of pervasive artificial intelligence (AI) and network intelligence for the advancement of the metaverse. The workshop seeks to examine how the pervasive integration of AI technologies and intelligent network infrastructures can enable transformative experiences within the metaverse, a virtual reality space that combines physical and virtual worlds.

Specific technical topics covered in a workshop include, but are not limited to:

Submission guidelines: Paper submission must be done for this workshop via EDAS. If you do not have an EDAS account, please, register first (it’s free) via the following link: register. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process handled by the Technical Program Committee. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.

The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as formatting instructions, can be found here. Papers must be at most 6 pages of technical content (10pt font, 2-column format), including text, figures, and tables. 

 Submission Guidelines

Call for paper: pdf

Format: All the submissions should follow the instructions adapted for IEEE PerCom 2024.

Page Limit: 6 pages

Submission Site of Workshop: EDAS