Recent Projects of members

  • Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Tayna Center for Conservation Biology, DRC: With a Special Emphasis on Pangolin Conservation (US Fish and Wildlife Service Grant), Jonas Kambale & Ichu Godwill

  • Field surveys for assessing the status and threats to three species of pangolins in Tayna Nature Reserve, North ­Kivu, DRC (Mohamed Bin Zayed Conservation Fund) by Jonas Kambale

  • Status and threats to Pangolins in the Deng-Deng National Park, Cameroon (CARN Grant) by Ichu Ichu Godwill

  • Population assessment and trade in the three species of pangolins in the Mpem et Djim National Park (CARN Grant and Rufford Small Grant) by Simo Franklin (PhD Student, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon)

  • Influence of a forest-savannah mosaic habitat and the diet on the distribution of three pangolins species in the Mpem et Djim and Deng-Deng National Parks(Mohamed Bin Zayed Conservation Fund ) by Fopa Ghislain (PhD Student, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon)

  • Distribution, density, hunting practices, trade dynamics and understanding threats associated with pangolins in Mbam and Djerem National Park,Cameroon (Mohamed Bin Zayed Conservation Fund) by Alain Delon (Masters Student, University of Dschang, Cameroon)

  • Status of pangolins in the Kimbi-Fungom National Park by Ngong Kenneth (Masters Student, University of Dschang, Cameroon)