



  • 第1回(7/28)Savulescu, J., Persson, I., and Wilkinson, D. [2020] “Utilitarianism and the Pandemic,” Bioethics. Accepted Author Manuscript. https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.12771. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第2回(8/4)Selgelid, M. J. [2009] “Pandethics,” Public Health, 123(3):255-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2008.12.005. 別で作ったレジュメ(pdf

  • 第3回(8/11)Gasser, U., Ienca, M., Scheibner, J., Sleigh, J. and Vayena, E. [2020] “Digital tools against COVID-19: Framing the ethical challenges and how to address them,” https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10236.

  • 第4回(8/18)Holm, S. [2020] “A general approach to compensation for losses incurred due to public health interventions in the infectious disease context,” Monash Bioeth. Rev. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40592-020-00104-2. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第5回(8/25)Sulmasy, D. P. and Veatch, R. M. [2020] “Should Institutions Disclose the Names of Employees with Covid‐19?,” The Hesting Center Report. https://doi.org/10.1002/hast.1107. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第6回(9/1)Jeffrey, D. I. [2020] “Relational ethical approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Journal of Medical Ethics, 46:495-498. https://jme.bmj.com/content/46/8/495.

  • 第7回(9/15)Leslie, D. [2020] Tackling COVID-19 through Responsible AI Innovation: Five Steps in the Right Direction. Harvard Data Science Review. Retrieved from https://hdsr.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/as1p81um. 3.4まで。

  • 第8回(9/22) 最後まで。

  • 第9回(9/29)Cox, C. L. [2020] “ 'Healthcare Heroes': problems with media focus on heroism from healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Journal of Medical Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2020-106398. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第10回(10/20)Jeff, R. [2020] Biopolitics, Essential Labor, and the Political-Economic Crises of COVID-19, Leisure Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1774004.

  • 第11回(10/27)Md Mahfuzul Haque, Mohammad Yousuf, Ahmed Shatil Alam, Pratyasha Saha, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, and Naeemul Hassan [2020] “Combating Misinformation in Bangladesh: Roles and Responsibilities as Perceived by Journalists, Fact-checkers, and Users,” Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., 4, CSCW2, Article 130 (October 2020), 32 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3415201.

  • 第12回(11/3)He, H. and Harris, L. [2020] “The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on corporate social responsibility and marketing philosophy”, Journal of Business Research, Volume 116, August 2020, pp.176-182. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第13回(11/10)Solbakk, J.H., Bentzen, H.B., Holm, S. et al. [2020] “Back to WHAT? The role of research ethics in pandemic times,” Med Health Care and Philos. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11019-020-09984-x. Are controlled human infection studies (CHIs) with SARS-CoV-2 justified?の節まで

  • 第14回(11/24)Epistemic shortcuts and ethical pitfallsの節まで

  • 第15回(12/1)最後まで。Ide K, Koshiba H, Hawke P, Fujita M. [2020] “Guidelines Are Urgently Needed for the Use of Preprints as a Source of Information,” J Epidemiol. https://doi.org/10.2188/jea.JE20200506.

  • 第16回(12/8) Hausman, Daniel M. [2020] “Challenge Trials: What Are the Ethical Problems?,” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine, jhaa028, https://doi.org/10.1093/jmp/jhaa028. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第17回(12/15)Peters, M.A. [2020] “Philosophy and Pandemic in the Postdigital Era: Foucault, Agamben, Žižek,” Postdigit Sci Educ, 2, 556–561. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-020-00117-4.

  • 第18回(12/22)Coghlan, S., Miller, T., and Paterson, J. [2020] “Good proctor or "Big Brother"?”, AI Ethics and Online Exam Supervision Technologies. https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.07647.

  • 第19回(1/12)Hon-Lam Li, Nancy S. Jecker & Roger Yat-Nork Chung (2020) Reopening Economies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reasoning about Value Tradeoffs, The American Journal of Bioethics, 20:7, 136-138. https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2020.1779406. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第20回(1/19)Sylvia J. J., IV [2020] “The Biopolitics of Social Distancing,” Social Media + Society, 6(3), 2056305120947661.

  • 第21回(1/26)Halpin, H. [2020] “A Critique of Immunity Passports and W3C Decentralized Identifiers”, Preprint. https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00136.

  • 第22回(2/9) 打ち合わせ

  • 第23回(2/13)打ち合わせ

  • 第24回(2/23)Amoretti MC, Lalumera E. [2020] “The concept of disease in the time of COVID-19,” Theor Med Bioeth, 41(5-6):203-221. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11017-021-09540-5. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第25回(3/2) ジョルジョ・アガンベン(高桑和巳訳)『私たちはどこにいるのか?─政治としてのエピデミック─』、青土社、2021年(原書:Agamben, G. [2019] A che punto siamo? L’epidemia come politica, Quodlibet.)

  • 第26回(3/9)Haggag, O., Haggag, S., Grundy, J., & Abdelrazek, M. [2021] “COVID-19 vs Social Media Apps: Does Privacy Really Matter?”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.01779.

  • 第27回(3/16)Emanuel, E. J. et.al. [2020] “Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19,” NEJM. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMsb2005114. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第28回(3/23) 山口達男[2019]「〈衆人監視〉時代の「自己配慮」―フーコー権力論に基づくビッグデータ監視の考察」、『社会情報学』、第7巻、第2号、17-32頁。

  • 第29回(3/30) Besancon L, Peiffer-Smadja N, Segalas C, et al. [2020] “Open science saves lives: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic”, bioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.13.249847.

  • 第30回(4/12)Levy, N. and Savulescu, J. [2021] ”After the Pandemic: New Responsibilities”, Public Health Ethics, phab008.https://doi.org/10.1093/phe/phab008. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第31回(4/26)プレ発表

  • 第32回(5/3)プレ発表

  • 第33回(5/17)プレ発表

  • 応用哲学会第十三回年次研究大会(5/22)にて、ワークショップ「COVID-19パンデミックの倫理──公衆衛生、生政治、デジタル技術」を開催。

  • 第34回(7/19)打ち合わせ

  • 第35回(7/26)Gregory E. Pence (2021) Pandemic Bioethics, Broadview Press, Ch.1. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第36回(8/2)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.2.

  • 第37回(8/9)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.3前半

  • 第38回(8/23)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.3後半

  • 第39回(8/30)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.4前半

  • 第40回(9/6)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.4後半 レジュメ(pdf

  • 第41回(9/20)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.5.

  • 第42回(9/27)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.6.

  • 第43回(10/4)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.7前半

  • 第44回(10/11)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.7後半 レジュメ(pdf

  • 第45回(10/18)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.8.

  • 第46回(10/25)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.9.

  • 第47回(11/1)Ch.1-Ch.9の要約。

  • 第48回(11/8)Ch.1-Ch.9の要約つづき。

  • 第49回(11/15)Ch.1-Ch.9の要約つづき。

  • 第50回(11/22)日本生命倫理学会・研究倫理部会にて「Pence, Pandemic Bioethicsの検討」を連名で発表。

  • 第51回(12/6)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.10. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第52回(12/13)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.11.

  • 第53回(12/20)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.12.

  • 第54回(12/27)Pandemic Bioethics, Ch.13. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第55回(1/24)Carroll, A. B. (2021). Carroll, A.B. (2021) "Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the COVID-19 pandemic: organizational and managerial implications", Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 315-330. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSMA-07-2021-0145. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第56回(1/31) COVID-19とオープンサイエンスなど

  • 第57回(2/13)ロベルト・エスポジトの生政治について

  • 第58回(2/21) Schmidt, A. T., & Engelen, B. (2020) "The Ethics of Nudging: An overview," Philosophy Compass, 15(4), e12658. レジュメ(pdf

  • 第59回(2/28) 打ち合わせ

  • 第60回(3/7) 打ち合わせ