
Graffitti that says "Capitalism is the Virus"

Image: Graffitti on lamppost, "Capitalism is the Virus"

Oligarch Projects

The Great Barrington Declaration, the Urgency of Normal, punditry, and so on

It's the job of experts and trusted voices to convey the truth and give you guidance. Not only have they failed at this, they have engaged in an active disinformation campaign dedicated to making the pandemic “disappear”. This has not been the result of a classic caricature of conspiracy — some tiny council of elites, gathered in the shadows to craft policy out of whole cloth. What we’re actually witnessing is the quiet collusion of class interest. This form of conspiracy is a feature of cultural hegemony, and it has aligned itself in direct opposition to public health and scientific reality. A “conspiracy” of this sort takes place in full view of the public. Every actor within it has openly telegraphed motivations that we are all taught to see as acceptable: keeping the current economic system intact at all costs.

--Let Them Eat Plague

A Right-Wing Think Tank Is Behind the Controversial Great Barrington Declaration Calling for COVID-19 Herd Immunity (DeSmog Oct 2020)

Known as the Great Barrington Declaration, this statement advocating for herd immunity was introduced in early October [2020] at an event hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, a conservative free-market think tank located in the western Massachusetts town of Great Barrington. This think tank, funded in part through a corporate investment firm with holdings in major oil and petrochemical companies, operates a network for the international business community that partners with other institutions backed by Koch and fossil fuel cash.


Multiple stories on the GBD from Science Based Medicine Blog


Organisers of anti-lockdown declaration have track record of promoting denial of health and environmental risks (LSE Oct 2020)

COVIDeniers: Anti-Science Coronavirus Denial Overlaps with Climate Denial (DeSmog 2020-2021)

Covid-19 and the New Merchants of Doubt (BMJ, Sept 2021)


Government’s Mass Infection Plan pushed by Great Barrington Declaration Lobbying Effort to End COVID Protections (Byline Times, July 2021)


ALEC Leading Right-Wing Campaign to Reopen the Economy Despite COVID-19  (ExposedbyCMD, April 2020)

Koch-Funded Legal Group Fights to Protect Online Covid Misinformation (Exposed by CMD, Nov 2022)


The Plan Is to Save Capital and Let the People Die (InTheseTimes, April 2020)

The Morbid Ideology Behind the Drive to Reopen America   (The New Republic, April 2020)

“The Beyblade Strategy” or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Focused Protection (The New Inquiry Feb 2022)

Impact Memo for Democratic Party Operatives 

Delta Airlines asked CDC for shorter isolation

1950s-style illustration of white-male-appearing doctor in white coat using a stethescope on a amiling white male-appearing child as a femme-appearing person looks on. Text: You're a Goner, Billy, But the Economy is GoingTo Be Just Swell.

Image: 1950s-style illustration of white-male-appearing doctor in white coat using a stethescope on a amiling white male-appearing child as a femme-appearing person looks on. Text: You're a Goner, Billy, But the Economy is GoingTo Be Just Swell. 

Why Is This Group of Doctors So Intent on Unmasking Kids? (The New Republic, Feb 2022)

The physicians and scientists of the Urgency of Normal are cherry-picking data in their push to end pandemic precautions, but are getting favorable mainstream media attention and support from wealthy, white communities that never felt the full brunt of Covid-19.


How Dark Money Shaped The School Safety Debate (The Lever, March 2022)


Motivated Reasoning: Emily Oster's COVID Narratives and the Attack on Public Education  (Protean Magazine, March 2022)

They Wanted Them Infected  (Science Based Medicine, Nov 2023)

Image: Cartoon by David Rees of person on the phone saying "Hello, is this History?  You are gonna judge these people, right?" 

History Lessons

Origins of the pandemic and precedents for the response


Dead Epidemiologists: On the Origins of COVID-19   (Monthly Review, Sept 2020)


How Global Agriculture Grew a Pandemic  The COVID-19 crisis was preventable—if only we’d listened to the epidemiologists sounding the alarm   (The American Scholar Mar 2020)

U.S. mishandling of COVID echoes the 20th century eugenics movement (Crosscut Dec 2020)


Pandemics disable people — the history lesson that policymakers ignore   (Nature Feb 2022)

Pandemics and the survival of the fittest  (The Hill April 2020) 

Image: The Vertlartnic EDITORIAL with image of the US White House: "The Powerful Deserve Protection From The Thing That We Told You Is No Longer A Problem" 


Top image: canary resuscitator (for saving the canary in the coal mine), including (presumably stuffed) canary in glass and metal chamber with gas (oxygen) canister attached.

Bottom image: ACT-UP style graphic in pink, white, and black, with repeated text: LIVING WITH COVID=DYING FOR CAPITALISM.

Social Murder

Top image: Covid-19 Strike Wave Interactive Map (screenshot with link to map): continental USA map very dense with pins indicating strike locations.

Bottom image: Tweet from @miamingus   from Sep 2022: "Look,  I wish the government would do more re pandemic safety, but they aren't.  Why can't 'We Keep Us Safe' also apply to covid?  monkey pox?  Why does it only seem to apply to some forms of harm (e.g. police, gentrification, domestic/sexual violence) and not others (i.e. covid)? "

Actually solving the pandemic was never in the cards for the U.S. and the rest of the capitalist world. It would have necessitated deep international cooperation, massive investment in clean air infrastructure, a persistent information campaign (and censoring of hazardous misinformation), efforts to build public trust in government, guaranteed paid leave, nationalization of key industries, and more. Basically, it would involve massively undercutting the philosophy of free market capitalism. 

Instead, the explicit goal of the ruling class has been to make the pandemic simply disappear from public perception. Any reminder of the existence of a highly-transmissible, highly-dangerous, mass-disabling disease could trigger panic, or worse: organized, militant labor action. Averting this crisis required a careful campaign of culture-crafting; the people themselves needed to become convinced that there was no reason to fight. Consent for protracted mass infection needed to be manufactured.

--Let them Eat Plague 

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