
Some resources:

Pandeism Sites

The YouTube PanDeism Channel

Pandeism Wiki by Wikia

Everything2's Pandeism Index

Pandeism Blogspot

Pandeism blogs, posts and other information tidbits

Koilas - Religion for Reality -- a pandeistic religion

The Pandeist Theorem by Robert G. Brown (excerpt from A Theorem Concerning God)

Pandeism with Rusty Nails (dormant blog)

PanDeism: What the Heck is That? (Dean Snyder's keen essay on pandeism)

Do we need God? from Pandeism: Hellre kontroversiell än snäll (another blog)

Thelemapedia's Pandeism page

RationalWiki's Pandeism page

TV Tropes Useful Notes on Pandeism

Wikipedia's Pandeism page

Wiktionary's Pandeism page

The Parallels of Pandeism by Bernardo Kastrup

Encyclopedia Britannica's page on pandeism

"Metaphysical Isms" by Alex Ashman

The Pandeism Twitter feed

Deism Sites

Pantheism Sites