Clipper Cargo

Cargo Fleet

When a Clipper Captain, which is accessed at 145 hours, the pilots can access the clipper Cargo scheme. With charter routes all around the world primarily based in Leipzieg and Stanstead, transporting many types of cargo.

Boeing 777-F

maximum tonnage: 102 tonnes

service ceiling: 41,000ft

engine type: 2x GE GE90

minimum runway length: 2438m

cruising speed: m 0.85

Boeing 737-700F

maximum tonnage: 20 tonnes

service ceiling: 41,000ft

engine type: 2x CFM56

minimum runway length: <1830m

cruising speed:


Boeing 747-200F

maximum tonnage: 95 tonnes

service ceiling: 41,000ft

engine type: 4x P&W JT9D

minimum runway length: 3450m

cruising speed: m 0.85

Boeing 737-700 Combi

maximum passengers: 75

maximum tonnage: 20 tonnes

service ceiling: 41,000ft

engine type: 2x CFM56

minimum runway length: <1830m

cruising speed:
