Onion Suppliers

Buy Onions from Professional Suppliers to Use them in Different Ways

It is hard to find one such vegetable, which is savory, sweet, aromatic and pungent at the same time. But onion is an exception. It is a vegetable which is low on nutritional content yet it is omnipresent in every savory dish. Right from meat, biryanis to burgers, different kinds of onions merge with different recipes in the most effortless manner. Whether you love cooking with red onions or purchase white onions in bulk quantity, Onion suppliers can meet your demand even at the eleventh hour of the day.

If you feel that onion is one ingredient that is useful for cooking purposes only, you are wrong. There is a lot more you can do with this versatile and extremely useful ingredient. Let’s take a look at some of the surprising ways to use onions:

  1. For Hair Growth: Onion contains sulfur, which helps in boosting collagen production and the hair growth. Hair fall occurs due to absence of sulfur protein in your diet. So, drink onion juice for giving a boost to your hair health and controlling incidences of hair fall.

  2. Soothing Insect Bites: It may surprise you but it is a fact that onion acts as natural insect repellent. So, next time, if any bee bites you, either drink onion juice or rub onion slices on bee stings to prevent swelling and getting relief from intense pain.

  3. Clearing Agent: Next time, do not feel shy for placing a bulk order of onion from suppliers to use it in your kitchen as a cleaning agent. This versatile vegetable contains a chemical known as sulphanilic acid that helps in breaking up rust which deposits over knives with time. So, use onion to clean your rusty knives in the most economical manner.

  4. Add Flavor with Onion Peels: Do not throw away your onion peels as they are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Steep the peels in water for a few minutes and then use the water in preparing stews and soups. This will give your dish an additional flavor.

If you are willing to buy premium quality of onion, it is advised to place an order via a reputed onion supplier only. The professional suppliers offer quality product to customers at affordable rates.

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