
Michel Fioretti (Sciences Po)

Lionel Fontagné (University of Paris I, on leave at Banque de France)

Pamina Koenig (PI, University of Rouen and PSE, on leave at University of Paris I)

Christian Volpe Martincus (Interamerican Development Bank) 

Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier (Banque de France, on leave in Sciences Po) 

Sandra Poncet (University of Paris I and PSE)


General activities within the ANR Grant

Project 1 The rise of multinational sourcing in relation to firms' commitments

Yash Tyagi joined us working on gathering CSR data (task 1) 

still recruiting R.A. on task 2. 

Project 2 Changes in firms' sourcing contract after a reputation shock 

Project 3 How do consumers' preferences react to reputation shocks about firms? 

Sales Data being used to analyze whether consumers were reactive to the Rana Plaza shock.

Project 4 Conflicting requirements of consumers in different markets

Project 5 Firms' financial contracts and their environmental and sourcing commitments