Support Pam's Road to Recovery 

Hello, compassionate friends and caring community, 


My name is Pam, and I'm reaching out to you today with a heavy heart and a plea for support. Just yesterday, I experienced a life-changing event— a stroke that my husband witnessed, rushing me to the emergency room in the nick of time. 

Personal Story:

Little did I know; these strokes were not isolated incidents; I've been silently battling micro-strokes for quite some time. What's even more disheartening is that my previous employer noticed one during a conference call, yet no action was taken to help me address the underlying issue. The missed opportunity for intervention could have potentially altered the course of my health two years ago.

Challenges faced

Now, I find myself in the challenging position of being unemployed and uninsured. The looming medical bills are a daunting reality, encompassing the cost of medications essential for my recovery and an array of tests to identify the origin, frequency, and treatment plan for these strokes.

This is where I need your help. If you can, please consider making a donation to support my journey towards recovery. Your generosity will directly contribute to covering hospital visits, stays, and the crucial medications necessary for managing my stroke diagnosis. 

How You Can Help:

Visit our GoFundMe page and make a donation of any amount. Every dollar counts and will go directly towards supporting our mission. 

Share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks. By spreading the word, you can help us reach more people and raise awareness about our cause. 

Consider becoming a volunteer or participating in our events and fundraisers. Your time and energy are valuable resources that can help us achieve our goals. 

Updates & Progress:

As I embark on this journey towards recovery, I am committed to keeping you all updated on my progress every step of the way. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me, and I want you to share in each milestone achieved and every hurdle overcome. 


I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who have generously contributed, shared my story, or offered words of encouragement. Your support has made a profound impact on my journey towards recovery, providing hope and assistance during this challenging time.