Pambamarca Archaeology Project

We are back! Summer 2025 returning for another season

Welcome to the Pambamarca Archaeology Project home page.  Here you may find all the necessary information for visiting Ecuador and the project when we are in the country.   The 2025 field program will run from June 28 - July 18.  

Bienvenidos al Proyecto Arqueológico Pambamarca.  Aquí tenemos toda la información que necesitan para venir al Ecuador o visitarnos cuando estén en el país.   El programa del campo para 2025 sera entre el 28 de junio y el 18 de julio.  

Overview of 2025

The community partners we work with are excited to have us return to continue the work.  Our 2025 program will involve mostly local community service, reconnaissance and lab work for three weeks.  Students would enroll in a 4-unit Applied Anthropology course that would allow for introductions to the region and development of future research plans.; and they will enroll in a 2-unit Laboratory Methods course that will cover the basics of artifact analysis as we continue to uncover clues to the legendary history of the area.  Ecuador was a land of incredible resistance to colonial forces. Indigenous Quichua speaking peoples managed to hold off the Inka, the Spanish, and now multi-national coprorations since the 1400s.  Is it the water? The climate? What is it about the peoples of the paramo (high grasslands) that gives them the ability to continue in the face of blatant imperialism.

If you are interested please fill out the preliminary application so we can contact you directly with more information. Also the Foothill College website is found here.



Monthon made this amazing video from 2018 -- check it out!  VIDEO LINK


Hey everyone, here you have the combined website for all of our work and information from the last 20 years!   Please search around for all the information you will need to come to Ecuador and begin your research on the project.  Thanks for your interest in the project!

See here a wonderful video called Before the Incas Came put together by Duc Nguyen when he was a student with us.  He has gone on to make incredible films seen on PBS.