Instructions for Authors

PaM will feature three types of submissions: long papers, student papers, and short papers. All types of papers should be submitted not later than 12th 17th February, 2020 (AoE timezone). We will allow updated versions to be substituted by 19th 21st February (AoE timezone). Long papers describe original research, and they must not exceed 8 pages excluding references. They will be presented at the conference either orally or as posters. Student papers describe original research, and the first author must be a student, or at least 2/3 of the work on a paper should be done by students. Student papers must not exceed 6 pages excluding references. Reviewers will give special support to student authors through mentoring. The papers will be presented orally or as posters at the conference. Short papers present work in progress, or they describe systems and/or projects. They must not exceed 4 pages excluding references. They will be presented as posters at the conference and summarised in lightning talks. All three types of papers will be published in the conference proceedings in the ACL Anthology.

Submissions should be pdf files and use the Latex or Word templates provided for ACL 2019 submissions. Submissions have to be anonymous.

Papers should be electronically submitted in PDF format via the softconf system: . Please make sure that you select the right track when submitting your paper. Contact the organisers if you have problems using softconf.

Camera Ready Submissions

The page limits and style for camera ready versions are the same as for the initial submission -- i.e. there are no additional pages allowed in the final submission. Camera ready papers should be submitted by the 5th of June via the softconf system:

Virtual Conference Instructions

The conference is moving to an online format and will be held on the 14th and 15th of October. We will use both pre-recorded and live sessions. The authors are asked to send us a pre-recorded version of their talk by the 7th of October, so that participants have to chance to access it before the actual live session. We will play the pre-recorded talks at the designated session in the conference, followed by a Q&A session. Talks should be 20 minutes long. For poster submissions, the authors are requested to send us a copy of their poster by the 10th of October (A0 landscape). The posters will be presented at a designated session in the conference. Each poster presenter will be expected to briefly present their poster (5 minutes), followed by a 10 minute Q&A per poster