Probability & Meaning

Probability and Meaning (PaM2020) is a conference organised by the Centre of Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability (CLASP), at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science (FLoV), at the University of Gothenburg, June 3-5, 2020, October 14-16th 2020 October 14-15th (conference on the 14th and 15th, Industry Day on the 16th is postponed). After careful consideration of the pandemic situation, the conference is moving online. The conference is sponsored by SIGSEM, the ACL special interest group on semantics.

PaM will bring together researchers interested in computationally relevant probabilistic approaches to natural language semantics. PaM will include symbolic, machine learning and experimental approaches to this task, as well as hybrid models.


12.10 Final program and invited talk abstracts up, links to pre-recorded talks sent to conference registrants

30.09 - Registration is now open. Please check the registration page

03.10 Preliminary program is up