Literature Survey Assessment


A 300-word literature survey is due in weeks 6 and 9, corresponding (and complementary) to the computer practicals in weeks 5 and 8 . The literature survey will be based on a small collection of peer-review studies provided by the lecturer.

The style of the article should be the same as a Nature News and Views or Science Perspectives that typically focuses on the scientific insight encapsulated by one or a small series of papers in the context of the broader scientific topic and previous studies.

I have also provided below some information about how the article is marked, which strongly reflect the learning objectives, organization, and style.

Learning Objectives

There are two learning objectives:

  1. ability to collect and synthesize large amounts of information.

  2. communicate complex ideas to a general audience in an interesting way.


The paper will be formatted using single column, double-spaced, paginated, word-processed pages.

The first page of the article will include:

  • article title

  • the name of the course and the lecturer

  • the student's Exam number (NOT name) and the date

  • the word count. This excludes the caption from one figure (if you absolutely need that figure), but includes footnotes, in-text references, and appendices. Given the length of the survey, footnotes and appendices are strongly discouraged.

Acknowledgements: all sources in your paper should be fully acknowledged using Harvard referencing. All internet sources (e.g. newspaper articles) should be accompanied by the relevant printout and the date of last access (newspaper articles evolve). For example, [1] Title of article, URL, year, last accessed 15th June 2020. Do NOT attach the printout to the article because Turnitin will likely have a hissy fit. I strong recommend you use the approach outlined above, but you if absolutely must upload an article include in your article the URL of a DropBox directory or Google Drive.

Plagiarism: All submitted papers will be subject the Turnitin plagiarism software. The whole issue is set out in this URL.

Brief Comments on Style

Students tend to believe they have above-average writing skills. This is an example of illusory superiority, which is a common cognitive bias. We will have a lecture on this writing assignment, which will contain more information on points of style. For now, here are some pointers.

  • A heading (or subheading) should appear at least every second page

  • Begin a new paragraph every four or five sentences.

  • Use acronyms sparingly; expand an acronym when it is first used.

  • Use footnotes sparingly (if at all).

  • Figures are only invaluable when they are used carefully. Associated captions should be considered standalone to the main text.

  • Avoid excess verbiage. Use short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs.

  • My own feeling is to write first person narrative. There is substantial debate in the community but most contemporary science writing is in the first-person.

How is this Assessment Marked?

Broadly, I use the established version 1 of the common marking scheme provided by the University.

What am I looking for in an excellent article?

  1. A clear and succinct definition of the survey material What is your purpose?

  2. Use of simple and clear language. [This is more difficult than it appears]

  3. Evidence of a clear structure to your article. What is the most effective way to tell your story? Think about logical flow.

  4. Evidence of synthesizing the literature. Avoid direct quotations unless they are absolutely unavoidable. I want to hear the story from you in your own words.


I use the online submission system to provide constructive criticism.

  • What was good, bad, and ugly? How can the bad and ugly be turned into good?

  • I will try to be as specific as I can. Which points were clearly made, which points were lacking detail or were poorly phrased, and which points were erroneous and opaque. [Typically erroneous points can be avoided by "owning" the material by reading around the literature - even if you don't use it directly.]

Assessment of readability

This website provides you with an assessment on your text based on established metrics associated with readability.