Paleo AIP Grab & Go Snacks 

Tips By Tamara | May 2024 | Paleo/AIP Snacks - Grab & Go

Whether you're a newcomer to the Paleo or Autoimmune Protocol diet (AIP), having a go-to list of easy, AIP/Paleo snacks is invaluable on your healing journey. This collection of snacks is particularly handy when you're on the move and need something convenient to grab quickly. Moreover, these snacks are perfect for kids too. I find it beneficial to keep a small stash on hand, whether it's savory or sweet, so I'm well-prepared to tackle those mid-afternoon cravings.

During the period when I started following the AIP/Paleo diet, I encountered significant challenges. It felt like my whole life revolved around meal preparation and adhering to the diet's guidelines. I found myself unable to leave the house for more than a few hours at a time because I needed to be home to cook my meals. I knew there had to be a better way. After extensive research, I eventually discovered ready-to-go AIP/Paleo snacks that were both healthy and easy to eat on the go. This discovery changed everything; it meant I could leave the house and socialize without compromising my dietary needs.

Through my journey, I've compiled a list of my go-to AIP/Paleo snacks to make it easier for you. I hope you find these tips helpful and that they bring more enjoyment to your healing journey:  

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Please remember to always check ingredients when shopping for paleo snacks.   Happy Snacking. 


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